Shane Piroso
Was a great day!! Even though someone decided to help themselves to a dyed roadrunner with my Chains Eye Candy stamp on the back! Jun 19, 2022
The Rooster Jun 19, 2022Unreal. Well, at least it's kind of a unique disc that can perhaps get spotted or noticed out there in the local community to expose the assclown.
Shane Piroso Jun 19, 2022I was figuring this went out to everyone and he would see it
Jeremy Anderson
Can you swamp me from MA-40 to MA-1? Also, would love to play round one with my son Zack Anderson who is also playing MA-1 if possible.
Brandon Whitehouse Jun 16, 2022If you click on the players tab in the middle at the top, there's an edit button right next to withdraw. You should be able to change it right there!
Andrew Leahy
Hey Guys! Paypal is returning all the money as soon as I receive it. I sent out requests to all of you to resend the money! If you have any questions please message me! Jun 7, 2022