WTF Open 2014

Singles tournament

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Hosted by Punderson Disc Golf


  • Sat
    Nov 15

    11:00am - 12:15pm

    Registration / Check-in

    12:30pm - 12:45pm

    Players meeting


    Tee off


MA1 Mixed Am 1 $30
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $30
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $30

About this tournament

WTF Open and Friends of Punderson Benefit Dinner 2014
Saturday November 15, 2014
1 pm - 1 round of 18 holes (Reds to Longs) Singles format
Advanced, Intermediate and Recreational divisions
Followed at 6:30 pm by a Chinese Auction and Dinner served at the Punderson Manor.
Entry Fee (Tournament & Dinner) $30
Entry Fee (Dinner Only) $20
50% to the Friends of Punderson 50% Payout merchandise
Chinese Auction and Benefit Dinner limited to 100 persons. We will keep a "first come, first served" list posted.

For those who aren't aware, the Friends of Punderson is a 501c3 (not for profit) group that started and continues to drive the improvements for the disc golf course and coming disc golf area amenities. They were instrumental in getting a commitment from the Parks System to install a flush toilet bathroom and an enlarged parking lot for the disc golf course entrance. The Friends of Punderson raises money through disc golf sales, disc golf events and their very popular tournament raffles. This money continues to be put to use on the course improvements for everyone to enjoy.
The Friends group also helps with other improvements for other activities in Punderson State Park. Your contributions are valuable, and very appreciated. Please help us keep the ball rolling, and we'll keep the course improvements coming for you all to enjoy!
More details about the Chinese Auction and Benefit Dinner can be found here:

Refund policy

Cancellation notifications received VIA EMAIL ONLY, PRIOR to November 13, 2014 will be refunded less transaction fees via a return Paypal transaction. All cancellation notifications received after November 13, 2014 will result in a forfeit of entry fees.