Austin W
When will payouts be sent. I won the 50/50 for the second round and was told I'd be sent to my PayPal last night and still have not received no rush just curious Mar 6, 2022
Geoffrey Kamp Mar 6, 2022I'm working through payouts currently. We had a couple late refunds, so just making sure money is all squared up.
Brady Jahns
I know it’s a little late now, but I’d requested a refund twice, both times were a couple weeks ago, but never got withdrawn. Any chance for a refund? Mar 5, 2022
Geoffrey Kamp Mar 5, 2022Looks like your refund was processed on Feb 28th
It looks like that was the even for today (Sunday) that was refunded, not Saturday. I was still on t ...
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It looks like that was the even for today (Sunday) that was refunded, not Saturday. I was still on the list of players when this event (Saturday) started. I mistakenly signed up for both, when I intended on just signing up for the event # 17. I understand that it’s too late now, I wanted to be on the same page.
Kevin Cook
I’m an idiot and forgot to include the live scoring password in the email. It’s WIFFS22. I’ll send an email out in the AM saying so. Mar 5, 2022
Aaron Rothrock
Super excited for tomorrow! Thanks to all for organizing this event. I assume it'll be live scoring? Will a password be sent out in the morning via email? Mar 5, 2022
Melvin Balogh
Fyi. The walking path from hole 5 and 6 has high water and needs some sort of assistance. Mar 4, 2022
Kevin Cook Mar 5, 2022We are aware and this is being dealt with. Thank you.
David Hart
We've never played this course before. Now with having 5 on several cards how realistic is it that we'll be able to make it out of there by 5:30 to make it back to Ft Wayne for a prior engagement? Mar 2, 2022
Justin Maxey Mar 2, 2022We play hazard golf for our tall grass OBs so the rounds typically go pretty quick
Austin W
The rounds are gonna be long enough playing 25 holes each round and now we have to worry about 5somes. I can see 3+ hour rounds in peoples future Mar 1, 2022
Kevin Cook Mar 1, 2022Thanks for your input Austin. This event is for charity. Taking more people raises more money for charity. Period.
Ben Janney
This is my first time playing Blue Heron, so I was wondering if the winter layout is in all A position, B position, or a mixture? If it is a mixture, is the layout “Full 25 2022” on UDisc correct? Thanks! Feb 28, 2022
Dale sapp Feb 28, 2022All the pins are in A position besides whole 11 And yes we're playing all 25