This event has been canceled.
WGE - 2020 Chick Flick Goin’ Global
Saturday, May 9, 2020 at Horning's Hideout in North Plains, Oregon
Disc golf singles tournament
Disc golf singles tournament
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About this tournament
On May 9th, women from all around the world will play two rounds of disc golf at their local participating Wom ...
On May 9th, women from all around the world will play two rounds of disc golf at their local participating Women's Global Event. Scores from the first two rounds of each participating tournament will be submitted by the individual tournament directors and rated by the PDGA. These round ratings will be totaled and averaged to determine the player's "Global Score." For the rounds to qualify, the event must include two rounds and have at least three ratings propagators playing on the same course layout each round for ratings to be calculated as accurately as possible. Please note, the exact same course layout must be used for both rounds. The Global Scores will be updated throughout the day to determine our Women’s Global Event Champions and the winner in each division will receive a memorable trophy.
FREE Player’s Pack
If you participated last time, you may remember the “virtual player pack.” It wasn’t that great. The PDGA listened to your feedback and real player’s packs are back this year. The Chick Flick will offer WGE player’s packs for FREE for the first 100 registered players who register AND PLAY the event. You can collect your Player’s Pack when you turn in your final round card. The PDGA WGE Player’s Pack will consist of at least one disc, towel, disc golf pin, reusable score card, and other fun stuff. If you miss the first 100, don’t fret, we may have extras due to drops.
What Division Should I Sign Up For?
Your final score will be calculated into a rating and that rating will be scored against players in ALL other Women's Global Events. If you have a rating we suggest signing up using the ratings breakdown below even if you usually play in a different division. If you don't have a rating and don't know where to sign up feel free to ask at [email redacted].
Player Divisions:
- FPO Open Women suggested 900+
- FP40 Pro Masters Women 40+ during full calendar year, suggested 850+
- FP50 Pro Masters Women 50+ during full calendar year, suggested 800+
- FP55 Pro Masters Women 55+ during full calendar year, suggested 800+
- FP60 Pro Masters Women 60+ during full calendar year, suggested 750+
- FP65 Pro Masters Women 65+ during full calendar year, suggested 750+
- FP70 Pro Masters Women 70+ during full calendar year, suggested 750+
- FA1 Advanced Women suggested 825+
- FA40 Amateur Masters Women 40+ during full calendar year
- FA50 Amateur Masters Women 50+ during full calendar year
- FA55 Amateur Masters Women 55+ during full calendar year
- FA60 Amateur Masters Women 60+ during full calendar year
- FA65 Amateur Masters Women 65+ during full calendar year
- FA70 Amateur Masters Women 70+ during full calendar year
- FA2 Intermediate Women < 825
- FA3 Recreational Women <775
- FA4 Novice Women < 725
- FJ18 Junior Girls 18 during full calendar year
- FJ15 Junior Girls 15 during full calendar year
- FJ12 Junior Girls 12 during full calendar year
- FJ10 Junior Girls 10 during full calendar year
- FJ08 Junior Girls 8 during full calendar year
- FJ06 Junior Girls 6 during full calendar year
Determining PDGA Playing Age:
A player's official PDGA Age is based on their year of birth, NOT their birthdate. So whatever age they will be on their birthday during the calendar tour year is their PDGA age for that entire calendar tour year and determines their eligibility for age-based divisions.
1) If a 10 year old player will turn 11 at anytime during the calendar year, their PDGA age is 11 for that entire calendar year so they must play in a Junior ≤12 division. 2) If a 39 year old player will turn 40 at anytime during the calendar year, their PDGA age is 40 and they are eligible for Master 40+ during that entire calendar year.
The recreational, novice, junior 15, 12, 8, 6 divisions will play their round/rounds on the Highland course. All other divisions will play their rounds on the Canyon course.
Note: Junior 12, 8, 6 divisions will only be required to play 1 round for this years event. Those divisions are welcome to play both rounds, but only the morning round will count toward their Global score. Again this year we will have shorter tee placements for the junior 8 & 6 divisions. less
FREE Player’s Pack
If you participated last time, you may remember the “virtual player pack.” It wasn’t that great. The PDGA listened to your feedback and real player’s packs are back this year. The Chick Flick will offer WGE player’s packs for FREE for the first 100 registered players who register AND PLAY the event. You can collect your Player’s Pack when you turn in your final round card. The PDGA WGE Player’s Pack will consist of at least one disc, towel, disc golf pin, reusable score card, and other fun stuff. If you miss the first 100, don’t fret, we may have extras due to drops.
What Division Should I Sign Up For?
Your final score will be calculated into a rating and that rating will be scored against players in ALL other Women's Global Events. If you have a rating we suggest signing up using the ratings breakdown below even if you usually play in a different division. If you don't have a rating and don't know where to sign up feel free to ask at [email redacted].
Player Divisions:
- FPO Open Women suggested 900+
- FP40 Pro Masters Women 40+ during full calendar year, suggested 850+
- FP50 Pro Masters Women 50+ during full calendar year, suggested 800+
- FP55 Pro Masters Women 55+ during full calendar year, suggested 800+
- FP60 Pro Masters Women 60+ during full calendar year, suggested 750+
- FP65 Pro Masters Women 65+ during full calendar year, suggested 750+
- FP70 Pro Masters Women 70+ during full calendar year, suggested 750+
- FA1 Advanced Women suggested 825+
- FA40 Amateur Masters Women 40+ during full calendar year
- FA50 Amateur Masters Women 50+ during full calendar year
- FA55 Amateur Masters Women 55+ during full calendar year
- FA60 Amateur Masters Women 60+ during full calendar year
- FA65 Amateur Masters Women 65+ during full calendar year
- FA70 Amateur Masters Women 70+ during full calendar year
- FA2 Intermediate Women < 825
- FA3 Recreational Women <775
- FA4 Novice Women < 725
- FJ18 Junior Girls 18 during full calendar year
- FJ15 Junior Girls 15 during full calendar year
- FJ12 Junior Girls 12 during full calendar year
- FJ10 Junior Girls 10 during full calendar year
- FJ08 Junior Girls 8 during full calendar year
- FJ06 Junior Girls 6 during full calendar year
Determining PDGA Playing Age:
A player's official PDGA Age is based on their year of birth, NOT their birthdate. So whatever age they will be on their birthday during the calendar tour year is their PDGA age for that entire calendar tour year and determines their eligibility for age-based divisions.
1) If a 10 year old player will turn 11 at anytime during the calendar year, their PDGA age is 11 for that entire calendar year so they must play in a Junior ≤12 division. 2) If a 39 year old player will turn 40 at anytime during the calendar year, their PDGA age is 40 and they are eligible for Master 40+ during that entire calendar year.
The recreational, novice, junior 15, 12, 8, 6 divisions will play their round/rounds on the Highland course. All other divisions will play their rounds on the Canyon course.
Note: Junior 12, 8, 6 divisions will only be required to play 1 round for this years event. Those divisions are welcome to play both rounds, but only the morning round will count toward their Global score. Again this year we will have shorter tee placements for the junior 8 & 6 divisions. less
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