Veterans for Vets presented by Discin’ Disciples & Triple Creek Disc Golf Club (Proceeds Benefitting Operation Stand Down)

Singles tournament

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Hosted by Discin’ Disciples

Part of Veterans for Vets by Dynamic Discs 2021-2022


  • Sat
    Jan 15

    8:00am - 2:00pm

    Flex start times! Show up any time from 8 AM - 2 PM. You must have a group of 3 or 4 to play. Any groups larger than 4 must split into smaller groups for speed of play. The players in each group do not need to be in the same division.


APM Advanced/Pro Male $25
APF Advanced/Pro Female $25
NM Novice Male $25
NF Novice Female $25
USVM US Veteran Male $25
USVF US Veteran Female $25

About this tournament

Following in the footsteps of the Trilogy Challenge, Veterans for Vets is a new event designed to meet three goals. First, it gives disc golfers a chance to play in an organized event during the winter months. Second, it provides an awesome environment for a disc golfer without any tournament experience to play in an organized event. Finally, it provides an opportunity for a local disc golf community to raise money that gets returned to that same community to organizations tasked with serving veterans!

*This is a flex start; flex start means that you show up between the hours of 8 AM - 2 PM and play as soon as the tee pad is available. No groups larger than 4! More than 4 will need to break down to smaller groups, no less than 3 can play in a group. The players in each group do not need to be in the same division.

CTP Holes:

Vet Male: Hole 3 Sponsored by Gravity Disc Golf

Vet Female: Hole 4 Sponsored by Vets Disc Golf Club Middle Tennessee

Novice Male: Hole 8 Sponsored by Sad Dog Discs

Novice Female: Hole 6 Sponsored by Wild Discs

Adv/Pro Male: Hole 16 Sponsored by Gravity Disc Golf

Adv/Pro Female: Hole 1 Sponsored by Sad Dog Discs

Refund policy

Discin’ Disciples is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.