Veterans For Vets presented by Twin Town Events

Saturday, February 27, 2021 at Montissippi Regional Park in Monticello, Minnesota
Disc golf singles tournament

Veterans For Vets presented by Twin Town Events graphic


Tournament DirectorJason Wilder
Tournament DirectorRian Axelson

About this tournament

This will be a fun and fair version of Random Doubles where each person will get to play with multiple partners as well as a few holes of singles.

Following in the footsteps of the Trilogy Challenge, Veterans for Vets is a new event designed to meet three goals. First, it gives disc golfers a chance to play in an organized event during the winter months. Second, it provides an awesome environment for a disc golfer without any tournament experience to play in an organized event. Finally, it provides an opportunity for a local disc golf community to raise money that gets returned to that same community to organizations tasked with serving veterans!

Refund policy

TWIN TOWN EVENTS is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Final Results

1Sarah Iverson7373$100
1Thao Vang4949$100
2Jared Raeker5151
3Dan Reynoso5252
4Rian Axelson5656
5Troy Lehto6161
1Darian Riley4747$100
2Aaron Gulbranson5050$100
2John Estes5050$100
4Timothy Michaels5151
5Chase Hoy5252
6Keith Thompson5454
7Bill Ryan5555
7Chris Gonzalez5555
9Travis J Beckers6060
1Taylor Nelson5050$100
2Jorge Shepherd5252
3Jordan Rosevold5353
3Josh Anderson5353
3Tyler Velasco5353
6Dustin Thornborrow5454
6Zack Nelson5454
8Mike Waldoch5656
9Jared Scott5757
9Lavell Bible5757
11Jeremy Greely6060
12Travis Schroeder6262
1Grant Kregness5252$100
2Corey Blesi5353$100
3Kody Rolfzen5454
4Josh Gladden5555
5Carter Greene5656
5Greg Barber5656
5Mike Streff5656
5Tom Schmidt5656
9Lars Lasanen5757
10Kyle Kalinowski5757
11Adam Henke5858
11Brodrick Harrison5858
13Mike Mckune5959
13Steve Reedy5959
15Anthony Brunsberg5959
16Alex S Lehto6060
16Jordan Anderson6060
18Brian Imholte6161
18Eugene R Harrison6161
20Vernon (Sonny) Fadden6363
21Allen Gunderson6767
1Tyler Bair5454$100
2Andrew Melchert5656$100
3Russell Hitz5656
4Brandon Hassel5757
5Brady Wickstrom5858
5Daniel Miley5858
5Justin Jevnager5858
5Phillip Dahlheimer5858
9Steve Streff6060
10Devin Provo6161
10Logan Gould6161
12Ryan M Bostrom6262
12Sam Hassel6262
12Weston Nordhausen6262
15Phillip Dahlheimer Jr6363
16Chris Talbot6464
17Mark Swanstrom6565
18Ethan Grossinger6767
1Abigayle Thompson5959$100
2Sydney Kollmann6161
3Pashia Vang6464
4Jerica Michalec6565
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