UWEC Disc Golf Team Fundraiser at Leinenkugel's DGC - Halloweekend Doubles Tournament

Saturday, October 29, 2022 at Leinenkugel's Disc Golf Course in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin
Disc golf doubles tournament

UWEC Disc Golf Team Fundraiser at Leinenkugel's DGC - Halloweekend Doubles Tournament graphic

About this tournament

After years underground, the UWEC Disc Golf Club has been revived and is up and running! As a new club the school will not give us anything close to the necessary amount of money to travel to the 2023 Collegiate National Championships ($186 to be exact), so we are running this doubles tournament to help raise some money. $10 of each $40 entry fee will go to cash payouts.

Round 1 - Best Shot Doubles
Round 2 - Modified Alternate Shot Doubles
Costumes - Anyone who wears a costume gets one mulligan per round.

Important: If you do not have a partner, you can still play! I've added an option to sign up as an individual. Any and all singles will be randomly drawn a partner, and your team can choose which division you'd like to play day-of. If there is one person left they will play Cali rules.

Refund policy

UWEC Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. Half of the entry fee will be donated to the club.


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