UAH DG Club Fundraiser Tournament

PDGA logoSaturday, October 19, 2024 at University of Alabama Huntsville in Huntsville, Alabama
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

UAH DG Club Fundraiser Tournament graphic


Tournament DirectorNick O'Bryan
Assistant Tournament DirectorReid Crawford

About this tournament

This is a C-tier, 2-round sanctioned singles tournament with a primary purpose of raising funds for the UAH Disc Golf team. This event will be hosted at the UAH DGC in Huntsville, Alabama.

Players pack for AM's consists of a premium plastic disc of your choice from our selection.

The pools consist of the following:
Pool A: MPO, MP40, MP50, MA1
Pool B: All other divisions

Pool A will be playing the UAH Gold Layout (longs), and Pool B will be playing the UAH Red Layout (shorts).

All proceeds of this tournament will be going towards the UAH Disc Golf Club to be used for registration and traveling costs as we compete across the eastern US.

Thank you for supporting our season!

Special thanks to Paul Williamson for his help with the tournament set-up!

Refund policy

UAH Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Final Results

PDGA results at
1Scott Morse6459123$90
2Dillon Whitten6262124$27
2John Dalton6163124$27
1Will McKelvey6166127
2Nick O'Bryan6762129
3Reid Crawford6567132
4Steven Maksimowski6670136
5Samuel Patrick Williams6968137
6Justin Rauscher7279151
7Logan Player8379162
1Chris Russell7172143
2Nathan Fortenberry7670146
3Andrew Santi7972151
2Nathan Rigdon7681157
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