Triple Threat Throwdown 3: The Last Stand

Sunday, October 9, 2022 at Smugglers' Notch Resort in Jeffersonvile, Vermont
Disc golf teams tournament

Triple Threat Throwdown 3: The Last Stand graphic

About this tournament

This is our 8th year hosting our annual team tournament. Just as the last 2 years this will be a Triple Threat Throwdown. That means a team of 3 will go out and play Brewster while playing best lie. Lowest score wins! It’s that’s simple but it’s extremely fun and this will be the last time we will be doing this format of play for a few years, hence the name of the tournament. Triple Threat Throwdown 3: The Last Stand!!

*You do not need to find your own team of 3. We will randomize everyone’s name to choose your team.

As always this is a fun event for everyone and anyone to play for the 1st time or for the 8th time. We aim to have the best tournament that’s fun for the end of the season! And because of this we play NO OB during our annual tournament.

The $60 buy in gets you a player pack just like every year! This includes a Discraft Full Foil Buzzz (last year we are doing these), a towel, magnet, koozie and a raffle ticket to be able to win a Dynamic Discs disc golf bag! And $5 goes to lunch.

Trophies for top 3 teams along with a bunch of goodies!

We will have 18 CTPs for every hole on the course. There will be mens, womens and kids under 15 CTPs. Check the CTP table when you show up for full details.

We will have some great raffle prizes as well like baskets, bags, discs and more. Raffle tickets will be $5 for one ticket or $20 for five tickets. So bring some extra cash!

Again and again thank you all for the continued support of the team and we hope to host again one of the best tournaments of the year for you all!!

Please read this in full:

Tomorrow is the big day we’re getting ready to rock ‘n’ roll!! Hopefully the weather holds off and it becomes nice out but we will have a bunch of pop up canopies for people to sit underneath and stag dry if it comes to that.

Tomorrow show up anywhere between 8:45/9:15am to receive your player pack from our TD for this event, Jennifer Macdonough. She will be posted up in the old pro shop with the player packs, all the info you need for the day and ready to greet you!

We hope to start the players meeting at 9:25am located by the stage. Then you will walk out to your assigned hole to start your round. All this information can be found below along with your partners for the round. We will start the round at 9:45am. That’ll give you plenty of time to walk to your hole to start the round.

A few rules real quick becasue there isn’t many.

1)HAVE FUN! This is suppose to be a fun round and a fun layout!
2)NO O.B. We don’t play that way.
3) If you have a dog, you can bring them for the day but you must clean up after them.

We are beyond excited for this years event and we hope you all have a grand ol’ time!

Alright, here are your team and your starting hole:

Hole 1-
David Rockwood III, Kayla Neumeister & Greg Tatro
Alex Benson, Ian Thomas Rooney & Nora Driscoll

Hole 2-
Mike Bernhardt, Shawn Eldred & Clayton Davis
James Lightholder, Jordan Lamson & Cara Tatro

Hole 3-
Fred Longchamp, Marques Pozzani & Serena Lamson
Maureen McGuinness, Erik Osborne & Chauncey Germain

Hole 4-
Shawn Rooney, Isza Alanna Concetta Parchini & Tom Slimm
Marcos Miller, Bj Kittell & Griffin Osborne

Hole 5-
Elian Furs, Tyler Woods & David Oppenheimer
Travis Johnson, Taylor B Douglass & Curtis LaHart

Hole 6-
Sarah Bedard, Derrick Hudson, Jerry Jackman
Eric Furs, Drew Cunningham & Zach Bossier

Hole 16-
Scott Thomas, Chris Hancewicz & Logan Yeager
Taylor L Jones, David E Havens & Dana Carpenter
Tyler LaPerle, Chris Yeager & Eric Rothy

Hole 17-
Braden Edwards, Michael Wenzel & Chad Jackson
Christopher Ryan, Luke Poquette & Alex Ferguson

Hole 18-
Oliver Marchildon, Mark Messier & Christopher LaRock
Michelle Sargent, Elizabeth Carrell & Gabrielle Pozzani

Refund policy

Ian Rooney/Team On The Fly Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.


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