Triple D Disc Golf Presents: St. Andrews Showdown

PDGA logoSaturday, July 20, 2024 at Freedaddy Disc Golf Course at St. Andrews University in Laurinburg, North Carolina
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Triple D Disc Golf Presents: St. Andrews Showdown graphic


Tournament DirectorMatthew Dorr
Tournament DirectorHeydon Ward

About this tournament

Triple D Disc Golf is proud to sponsor the first sanctioned disc golf event at the St. Andrews University Disc Golf Course.

This is a one round flex start event. The purpose of this tournament is to serve as a club fundraiser for the Scotland County Disc Golf Club, to help with running the club, course development, etc. Tee times are available from 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. for Saturday, July 20th. Grab a group of friends and get registered!

We will be utilizing a temporary long layout with added baskets. The tournament layout is on Udisc as a smart layout. The layout will also be sent in a player's email with rules, notes, etc.

Players packs will include a coupon code for Lucky Disc Golf (emailed out directly after the tournament) and a small swag bag which will be given to you at check in. Each division winner will also receive a trophy!

Please make sure to arrive before your tee time to keep everything running smoothly. Check-in at the tent at the Vardell parking lot (next to hole 16-18).

Refund policy

Scotland County Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Final Results

PDGA results at
1Brandon DaGrosa5151$40
1Tony Hoel5555$60
2Kevin Shelton5757
1TJ Smith5252
2Erik Anderson5454
2Joshua Sprague5454
2Travis Zira5454
5Stephen M Battise5555
6Heydon Ward5959
7Jeb Britt6060
8James Mcdonald6161
9Blake Ellis6363
10Drew Monroe6565
11Jared Torgerson6767
12Daniel Smith7070
1Laurent Gerrard6161
2Derrick Tyson6464
1Gene Joiner5656
2Theodore Nottage5858
3Jimmy McDonald6161
4Craig Wiggins7070
5Mark Deremo7272
6Charles Lightner7474
6Greg Hutchinson7474
1Charles Lowery5656
2Carl Sluder6060
1Justin Mirch5858
2Abraham Barnwell6464
3Floyd Prince III6666
1Arthur Poston II5757
2Matthew Dorr5959
3James Culver6161
3Landon Perez6161
5Cameron Wiggins6363
6Zachery Taylor6666
7Alex Oxendine6767
8Jason Kazmark6868
9Michael Ramos6969
10Greg Stone7070
1Bobby Ogan6060
2Parker Micklem6565
3Jesse Gibson6767
4Ephraim Boyte6969
5Ozzy Tyson7272
6James O’Neal7777
7Malachy Oates8686
1Madeline Joiner6262
2Katie Lighthall7070
1Lani Evans6969
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