Trilogy Challenge - Oakwood Community Park Delafield

Sunday, June 7, 2015 at Oakwood Community Park in Delafield, Wisconsin
Disc golf singles tournament

Trilogy Challenge - Oakwood Community Park Delafield graphic

About this tournament

The Trilogy Challenge is your opportunity to help promote the sport of disc golf. Dynamic Discs, Latitude 64°, and Westside Discs are excited to bring you the opportunity to host or play in a Trilogy Challenge in 2015! After a very successful first year in 2014, 2015 is looking to be even better. Our goal is to gain better visibility of the sport and to get more new players involved. We're keeping the entry fee the same at $30 and players will again receive everything they need to play disc golf.

Players are only allowed to use the three discs they receive in their player pack and if they lose a disc during the round, they must finish the round without it. The Trilogy Challenge is a worldwide event from May 29th to September 20th that concludes with the Trilogy Öppna in Emporia, Kansas on September 19th-20th.

We encourage you to play in several Trilogy Challenge events and even host one yourself!


(1) Westside Discs Elasto Sampo
(1) Dynamic Discs Fuzion Evidence
(1) Latitude 64 Retro Macana
(1) Trilogy Challenge Mini
(1) Mini Clipboard
(1) Mini Sharpie
(1) Trilogy Scorecard and Pencil
The player pack will cost all participants $30. The discs in each player pack will be unreleased until the Trilogy Öppna in Emporia, Kansas on September 19th-20th.


(1) Dynamic Discs Soldier Disc Golf Bag
(2) Dynamic Discs Cadet Disc Golf Bag
(1) Dynamic Discs Driver, Midrange, and Putter
(1) Latitude 64 Driver, Midrange, and Putter
(1) Westside Discs Driver, Midrange, and Putter
(1) Trilogy Challenge Trophy Disc For Overall Champion

Refund policy

The Disc Golf Experience is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.



Final Results

Round 1: Oakwood Community Park - Regular tees 2x, 18 holes, par 54
1Tanner Helm5050$50
2Bill Sieving5151$15
2Shane "Sleepy" Rose5151$15
4Dan Gerick5454
5Jeromy Morgan5555
6Josh Davies5656
6Kevin Connell5656
8Andrew Mussomelli5757
9James Newton5959
Round 1: Oakwood Community Park - One Regular (White), One Forward (Red), 18 holes, par 54
1Jacques LeTendre5252$50
2Tyler Kollias5252$30
3Eric Chapman5555
4Brian Williams5656
4Chad Morgan5656
4Joe Michel5656
7Kyle gilson5757
8Tim Boville5858
9Derich Johnson5959
9Kyler O'Neill5959
11Brandon Tougaw6060
11Mike Brody6060
13Josh Chapin6161
14Joel Pfeiffer6262
15Mike Gallant6363
15Tom Heinrichs6363
17Dan Marshall6464
17Steve Johnson6464
17Tyler Wray6464
20Kyle Wellhouse6666
21Bob Dlobik-0
Round 1: Oakwood Community Park - Forward Tees 2x (Red), 18 holes, par 54
1JJ Juszczak5252$50
2David Novotny5454$30
3Brandon Reynolds5555
3Bryan richardson5555
5Austin Opgenorth5656
5Derek Opgenorth5656
5Jake Gonzalez5656
8Matt Lemke6060
9Matthew Olkowski6161
9mike pynakker6161
11Luke Lochner6262
11TJ Boersma6262
11Tyler Hintz6262
14Cory b Richardson6363
15Isaac Woelffer6464
16Bob Slauson6565
16Max Bade6565
18BJ Wallace7474
Round 1: Oakwood Community Park - Forward Tees 2x (Red), 18 holes, par 54
1Becky Olkowski6464$15
1Carrie Daubner6464$15
3Amy Wittrock6767
4Sierra Burdgick6868
5Elena Johnson9191
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