Triangle Triples (Registration opens 8/13)

Teams tournament

Sunday, November 16, 2025

Hosted by Disc Golf Zen

Online registration opens
August 13 at 8:00pm EDT


  • Sun
    Nov 16


    Meet and greet opens


    players meeting


    Head to starting holes


    Play begins


    play ends- awards 15 minutes after last card finishes then raffle


VLT Violet Grand Masters AGE 60+ $15 / player
BLU Blue Masters Age 40+ $15 / player
ORG Orange Recreational FA3/MA3 $15 / player
RED Red Novice FA4/MA4 $15 / player
GRN Green with 1+ Junior $15 / player
FCH Fuchsia with 2+ Women $15 / player
YEL Yellow Intermediate + $15 / player

About this tournament

This is a fund-raiser for 3 (or more) LGBTQIA++ organizations (tentatively Triangle Community Center, The Trevor Project and GLSEN CT). Disc Golf Zen's goal is to donate $30+ from every teams fees. With a full event, normal tee sponsor and raffle activity, each of the three will get $350.

Players pack is a custom ZING mini for each player.

You may sign up as a team or sign up as an individual and we will facilitate putting teams of 3 together.

Cowbell start triples best disc play. Every team will play one round of 18 at Norbrook Farm. Two 3 person teams per card.

Hoping we may have some juniors joining! Please keep the team names G/PG rated.

Team tee-only mulligans available for $5 each. Max of three mulligans per team.

Raffle tickets 5 for $5, no limit.

Ace pot for $5 per individual to be divided between the aces hit or if no ace, will ne donated to Throw Pink to help grow the sport.

First, second and third in all populated divisions. Divisions populated after 11/8 will have less specific awards.

Divisions are fluid. We want any 3 humans who want to join up to be able to do so. General guideline is to choose the division closest to the combined skill level. If you have two 40+ or two 60+ players, choose Blue or Violet respectively.

If you seek one or two players to add to your team, our team matchmakers reach out via email and I will add you to FB chat that will be created to facilitate.

Refund policy

Disc Golf Zen is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. Please be considerate of us and our causes. If you must withdraw, consider leaving something for our donation.