
Treedirection Disc Golf Open

PDGA C-tier · Sat, May 25, 2024May 2024 · South Wales, NY

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Jane Adams Sileo Where can I find the photos from the event thanks May 27
Eric Shaver May 27 They will be posted to here, and on the WNYDGC facebook page shortly. Thank you!
Scott Cimato Having to wait an hour to tee off between holes is pretty bullshit May 25
Eric Shaver May 27
Play was suspended due to lightning, per PDGA rules. The decision to extend the break for lunch allo ... show more ›
Eric Shaver UPDATE: TAKE LUNCH STARTING 1:25pm. SET TO RESUME PLAY AT 2:25pm. Whoever left holes to play from Round 1, go back to where you left and resume play. Once Round 1 is completed, begin around 2 with the same card. May 25
Alexander Bivolcic May 25 Awesome!
Eric Shaver 1:23pm last strike. May 25
Eric Shaver PLAY SUSPENDED DUE TO LIGHTNING. Mark your lie and seek shelter 1:19pm last strike. May 25
Ece Gundogan CLARIFICATION: No parking is at the bottom of Hole 1’s basket / Hole 2 tee area. May 25
Eric Shaver There is a wedding at the ski lodge near hole 1. DO NOT PARK IN THE SKI LODGE LOT. May 25
Eric Shaver Update: Hole 15 OB: Painted line behind basket. This is listed on PDGA live score card. May 25
Mckean Vallely for MA2 are holes three and four supposed to be par threes? Last year it looked like they were par 4s and in pdga live it says par 3. thanks May 25
Eric Shaver
IMPORTANT UPDATES: The course layout has been updated due to a variety of considerations including pace of play, course conditions and hole assignments. The changes are listed here, and will be re ... show more ›
May 24
Carter Sisson Hello, is there any chance the MPO field could be expanded to 24 players which would allow for 6 cards of 4? I would love to get into this event. Thanks for your consideration! May 24
Eric Shaver May 24 You and Zach have been promoted. Looking forward to tomorrow!
Vincent kuhns Hi Eric. I hurt my foot and need to withdraw. I sent you a PM through DG scene but not sure if you see those. Sorry for inconvenience this has casused May 23
Vincent kuhns May 23 MPO
Steve Wagner Will we need to attend the player meeting in person or are you emailing one out? May 23
Eric Shaver May 23
I'll send an email out with information about the event. The final layout will also be posted here o ... show more ›
Steve Wagner May 24 Great, thank you!
Eric Shaver
Treedirection Disc Golf Open 2024 layout and OB. Please check Disc Golf Scene and PDGA live scoring the day of the event for final updates to the layout including CTPs. Hole 1: Currently in short ... show more ›
May 22
Mckean Vallely Is there gonna be a caddybook released? May 19
James Broughton What pin positions will we be playing? May 18
Randy Conklin Since my division is just me could I be swapped to MA1 please May 13
Taylor Duhm Do you expect more MA2/MA3 slots to open up? Apr 30
Eric Shaver Apr 30 I will be reassessing division caps early next week. It is possible that those spaces will be given to MA2 - MA3, if the other divisions do not fill.
Brandon Buck If I sign up in ma2 and a spot frees up in ma3, would I be able to be moved down? Apr 25
Eric Shaver Apr 25 Yes, you could. Or you can sign up for the waitlist in MA3, whichever you prefer. Divisions will be reassessed in the first week of May, and waitlisted registrants will be promoted if space allows.
Frank Broughton What shape are the gold t pads in, any work on them this year? Apr 18
Eric Fetterman Apr 25 Gold pads are still in good shape. A few issues here and there. I do believe there will be some repair work on the golds this year tho.
Frank Broughton Apr 25 Cool...
Paul Greiten Wasn't the registration Tonite. Did it get moved Apr 16
Eric Shaver Apr 17 Yes, as stated in the description, the registration date was subject to change. Information has been updated as of today. Thank you for understanding! Looking forward to May 25th!
Frank Broughton Apr 18 Wooo hooo thank you Eric!
Josiah Russell Will this be a C-tier? Feb 6, 2024
Eric Shaver Feb 6, 2024 Yes, more information will be released about this event soon, but I can confirm that it will be a c-tier.
Josiah Russell Feb 12, 2024 Thank you
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