Title Town Tussle

PDGA logoSaturday, February 25, 2023 at Bowers Park in Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Amateur XC-tier · PDGA-sanctioned teams tournament

Title Town Tussle graphic

About this tournament

The University of Alabama is excited to host the first annual Title Town Tussle. Title Town Tussle is a CDG conference event.

Round 1:
Singles (Bowers Park Red)
Round 2:
Team Doubles (Palmore Gold)

Average of R1 Singles scores + R2 Team Doubles = Cumulative Team Score

Players competing in any College Disc Golf Conference event are not required to be members of College Disc Golf for the current College Disc Golf Season.

If you plan on attending but cannot register at this time, please contact the TD so he can plan accordingly.

Entry fees will also provide player's packs:
First 50 players will revive a custom mini and a Bryant bag.

If you do not know which players will be assigned to which team, feel free to register as "Player 1, Player 2, Player 3, Player 4" and edit the team at a later date.

Follow @uadiscgolfclub on Instagram for updates

Refund policy

The University of Alabama is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.
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