Title Town Classic VI- Sixth Sense (AM Only)
About this tournament
Welcome to the Title Town Classic VI- Sixth Sense! Tuscaloosa Disc Golf Club is proud to present the biggest tournament of the year yet again!
This will be a two-round event at Tuscaloosa's Bowers Park and Ol' Colony Golf Complex. Layouts are active in UDisc!
Trophies for first place only.
Bowers will play to six alternate baskets (silver): Holes 1, 2, 5, 13, 16, and 18. All other holes are playing to red baskets
Player's Packs will include two premium Gateway Discs (Diablo, Ether, Mystic, or Spell) and a Bryant Bag.
There will be raffle prizes including a Squatch bag and multiple discs and CTPs.
Ace Pot will be $250 and is included in your entry fee.
This will be a two-round event at Tuscaloosa's Bowers Park and Ol' Colony Golf Complex. Layouts are active in UDisc!
Trophies for first place only.
Bowers will play to six alternate baskets (silver): Holes 1, 2, 5, 13, 16, and 18. All other holes are playing to red baskets
Player's Packs will include two premium Gateway Discs (Diablo, Ether, Mystic, or Spell) and a Bryant Bag.
There will be raffle prizes including a Squatch bag and multiple discs and CTPs.
Ace Pot will be $250 and is included in your entry fee.
Refund policy
Tuscaloosa Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.