ThroWYO Flex

PDGA C-tier

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Hosted by ThroWYO


H. Daniel Jr Hubert Daniel Jr MPO
A. Cherwin Amanda Cherwin FPO
B. Russel Bailey Russel MA1
N. Baker Nicole Baker FA1
L. Schutte Louis Schutte MA40
M. Jansen-hedrick Marty Jansen-hedrick MA3


  • Sat
    Jan 14

    9:00am - 2:00pm

    Flexible Tee Times Begin at 9:00AM. 3 are the minimum for each card, 5 is the maximum.


MPO Mixed Pro Open $45
FPO Women's Pro Open $45
MP40 Mixed Pro 40+ $45
FP40 Women's Pro 40+ $45
MP50 Mixed Pro 50+ $45
FP50 Women's Pro 50+ $45
MP60 Mixed Pro 60+ $45
MP70 Mixed Pro 70+ $45
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $30
FA1 Women's Am 1 $30
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ $30
FA40 Women's Am 40+ $30
MA50 Mixed Am 50+ $30
FA50 Women's Am 50+ $30
MA60 Mixed Am 60+ $30
FA60 Women's Am 60+ $30
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $30
FA2 Women's Am 2 $30
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $30
MJ18 Mixed Junior 18 $30
FJ18 Girls' Junior 18 $30

About this tournament

This is a one round (18 holes) flex start PDGA Sanctioned C Tier Event.

A flex start disc golf tournament is one where players can start a round at the time that suits them best. However, a player still must play in a group of at least three.

You will select your preferred tee time when you register.

Professional Players are playing for Cash Payouts.

Amateur Players will get a players pack including a disc and a mini.

$7 From each entry goes to course fees
$2 From each entry goes to PDGA fees

Hole 1 5 908ft OB beyond fence; OB pond

Hole 2 3 290ft OB inside dog pin; OB street

Hole 3 3 458ft OB street; OB pond

Hole 4 4 352ft Left of marked mando, if missed proceed to drop zone with penalty stroke; OB street

Hole 5 4 605ft OB pond

Hole 6 3 209ft OB beyond fence

Hole 7 4 510ft OB beyond fence; left of marked mando, if missed proceed to drop zone with penalty stroke

Hole 8 3 418ft Left of marked mando, if missed proceed to drop zone with penalty stroke

Hole 9 4 475ft OB pond

Hole 10 3 376ft OB pond; OB sidewalk and beyond

Hole 11 4 541ft OB on top of building; OB street

Hole 12 3 368ft OB street; OB beyond fence behind pin

Hole 13 5 886ft OB beyond fence on the right

Hole 14 3 414ft OB street

Hole 15 3 448ft OB beyond fence

Hole 16 3 294ft OB street

Hole 17 3 280ft OB beyond fence

Hole 18 3 307ft OB on cart paths and patio

Please feel free to reach out with any questions.

Refund policy

ThroWYO is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.