The PJ #8

Singles tournament

Saturday, June 14, 2025

Hosted by PJ's Gang

Online registration opens
April 15 at 8:00pm EDT


  • Sat
    Jun 14

    7:30am - 8:15am



    Players' Meeting


    Round 1 Shotgun Start


MPO Mixed Pro Open $60
FPO Women's Pro Open $60
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $50
FA1 Women's Am 1 $50
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ $50
FA40 Women's Am 40+ $50
MA70 Mixed Am 70+ $50
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $50
FA2 Women's Am 2 $50
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $50
FA3 Women's Am 3 $50
MJ18 Mixed Junior 18 $50
FJ18 Girls' Junior 18 $50

About this tournament

The PJ #8 is a singles event hosted by PJ's Gang.

All proceeds going to charity: We've Got Your Back Shack

We've Got Your Back Shack is a non-profit free clothing outreach in Delton, MI that provides clean & gently used items of all sizes as well as shoes, sheets, blankets and towels. Everything is free and available to anyone regardless of income or residency.
All are welcome to shop at The Shack! Hundreds of hours by dozens of volunteers are put in each and every month to keep The Shack running smoothly.

2 rounds of 21 holes at Begg Park in Springfield, MI

For those of you that have made it to any of the previous year's tournaments, you know how much fun and what a great time it was. Hopefully we will repeat that again this year!

AM Player's Pack TBD but will be pretty good.

Lunch (TBD) will be provided with Players' entry fee.

FYI for those of you that do not know, the FOP Lodge is no longer there or available to us to use as tournament central. Which also means you should plan to bring your own drinks.

Online registration is preferred. There will be a $5 day of fee for cashless registration.

We will be awarding berths to the Michigan Am States Tournament.
Due to the PDGA rules, only players with current PDGA memberships will be allowed to compete for the berths. States is sanctioned and you MUST be a current member of the PDGA to even register for it.
The berths will be at least-
1 for Age Protected
1 for Female Division
Remaining berths will be awarded to other divisions based on numbers of eligible players.
PJ's Gang reserves the right to adjust this as needed

Need 3 players to make a division. Exceptions will be made for Women and Juniors.
And maybe old dudes.

Ace pool, 33x3, CTP’s, and lunch are included in the entry fee
$3 of entry fee goes to 33x3
$2 of entry fee goes to ace pool
$5 of entry fee goes to CTP’s and lunch

There will be CTP and longest putt prizes!

And we will have raffles again this year so bring some cash and get in on the prizes!

Donations are welcome and appreciated.

$10 will be deducted from MPO & FPO entry fees for the charity.

$5 will be deducted from all AM entry fees for the charity.

Check in will be from 7:30 to 8:15 am

Player's Meeting will be at 8:30 am

First round will tee off at 9:00 am. Second round will follow 1 hour after the last card is turned in from the first round.

Ace Pool will payout at 100% for any ace hit during the rounds.
Each Ace will count as 1 share of the Pot
so if 1 ace is hit that player will receive 100% of the pot
if 2 aces are hit by player A and 1 ace by player B
The Split is 2/3 to Player A
and 1/3 to Player B
If the Ace Pool is not hit a shoot off will follow from a random spot to a basket, CTP rules will be in effect.
If shoot off occurs, the ace pool will be paid out 50% to the winning player and 50% to the Charity.

33x3 CTP
CTP (Closest to the Pin)
On your first drive and only your drive on the CTP hole the person with the closest disc to the basket will locate the flag marking the previous groups closest disc and if there disc is closer then all the previous drives the flag is moved to the front of that player disc (the side closest to the basket) to mark the new CTP to beat.
There will be a bag with a slip inside write your name below the last player DO NOT SCRATCH OUT THEIR NAME to indicate you are now the closest disc
Payout will be in cash with a 3 way split between the charity and the winning player in each round.

Refund policy

PJ's Gang is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.