The McMinnville Wide Open
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Terry Shuler July 26, 2014 at 10:27am
Check the Wortman Open comments for updated points
Terry Shuler July 26, 2014 at 5:41am
Would like to thank the rest of the team of helpers for a great team effort. Shaun, Carl, Dave, Mark. Makes my job a lot easier. thanks everyone for attending. Will post points tonight and trophies to be given out.
Thomas "T" D. July 24, 2014 at 8:27pm
Will results be posted for this tourney?? Thanks again to our host, Mr Dave Heider and our tourney directors, Terry Shuler and Carl Boje!!
Thomas "T" D. July 21, 2014 at 5:43am
Huge THANKS to Terry and Carl for, as always, a great tourney at a great disc golf venue!! Thank you to our gracious host, Mr. Dave Heider. You sir have one fine disc golf course that gets better every time I see and play it. If you haven't played Dave Heiders Hike, your missing a gem!! Lots of fine disc golf, perfect weather and awesome Peeps. Congratulations to everybody who competed and to all the division winners!! Part 2 of the Wortman Series is in the books...bring on Part Three!!
Thank you, Lee!! Payout was pretty sweet and I hope to get to Disc Golf Depot soon to replace the Go-To Avenger SS I lost to the blackberries. Dave's course is one of Oregons gems!!
ive always raved about Daves hike... that course is forever evolving and improving! perfect example of a DG course built by discgolfers. also the best "backyard course" ive ever seen!!!
Just got back from Disc Golf Depot and spending my winnings on plastic!! Its been a long while since I've been to Jerry's and it has grown!! Tons more plastic from every manufacturer imaginable!! Found a replacement for my lost Avenger SS and then some!! Cryztal Dirty Dozen stamped and gho ... more
Dallas Trower July 20, 2014 at 9:00am
Terry I'll be there in the morning with $$$ in hand. MPO please. 64209.
Thomas "T" D. July 19, 2014 at 8:24am
I see a different time schedule also. Everybody should check and be aware. Its all good about the two rounds at Heider's Hike. A great venue to hold this event, Terry!!
Terry Shuler July 19, 2014 at 7:42am
Round two course has been finalized. Due to the fact of not getting the field, not being at the park to play an early round and setting fairways for people not to be in, and number of areas being reserved for Sunday, the powers to be(Me and co td Carl pdga side and of course Dave for the use of his course have decided to play round two at Dave's to insure a second round of 18 holes can be played without conflict or eliminating holes. I myself and still bummed about the field but life goes o ... more
This is indeed the best way to go! Looking forward to Sunday even though I have been practicing the front 12 at Wortman for 2 weeks and shot a 7 down today on lunch lol. Let's get it on!
Nick Orr July 18, 2014 at 12:25am
Anyone recommend a place to camp in the area? Hotels are taxed right now.
Terry Shuler July 16, 2014 at 3:15am
Looks like the field gods are not being very kind. Just checked on the field use again. Left message with last person not to sign off on it last week. No reply. Just tried again. Now on vacation till Monday. The lady that always helps me did say that it had not been rented. The only thing she could tell me is that baseball is still going on and maybe like last time the practice field could be in use. Was sorry but had no answer. So now without divine intervention we are left with round 2 at Wort ... more
I'm sure whatever you whip up will be awesome. Can't wait to play Daves. Looks like we might have cool weather. Which would rock. Stay up Terry.
Terry Shuler July 5, 2014 at 10:44pm
As far as ratings go. We are approved on the pdga schedule. Carl has got us figured out now. We will have round ratings up after lunch before round 2 and after awards. As we did for our last event at Dave's. So we will have a laptop for people to view the scores and ratings. Thanks Carl
Terry Shuler June 11, 2014 at 2:31am
On line registration is now open on 4discgolf. As usual this is a preregistration event. If not signed up on line then let me know your attending and you can pay day of for a $2.00 late fee. If you show up day of and not registered it will cost you a $5.00 in late fee. To show the thanks of those who make it easy on me by pre paying for the event. I'm going to have a free entry drawing the night before the event and pay the lucky person's entry fee. Non pdga and ace pot and td tip not encluded. so get pre paid and you might not pay at all.
Nice meeting you TD! Heiders is epic. I loved it. Nice crew too. Next time Dave needs to put more live animal hazards out there. Perhaps a donkey that's tied to a basket?