The LumberJill N.I.C.E. Prestented by Alpha Michigan Brewery

PDGA C-tier · Women

Sat-Sun, August 20-21, 2022

Hosted by Yooper Dolls (Disc On! Ladies League)

Part of 2022 Michigan Women's Series


M. Allen Margarette E Allen FA50
J. Hoke Jessica Hoke FA2
P. Allen Phaedra Allen FA3
T. Carlson Toni Carlson FA4


  • Fri
    Aug 19

    4:00pm - 6:00pm

    Early registration

  • Sat
    Aug 20

    8:00am - 9:30am

    Player Registration

    10:00am - 10:15am

    Player meeting

    10:30am - 2:00pm

    Round one

  • Sun
    Aug 21

    9:00am - 9:15am

    Player meeting for round two

    9:30am - 1:30pm

    Round two

    2:00pm - 3:00pm

    Awards and ring of fire


FPO Women's Pro Open $40
FP40 Women's Pro 40+ $40
FP50 Women's Pro 50+ $40
FP60 Women's Pro 60+ $40
FA1 Women's Am 1 $40
FA40 Women's Am 40+ $40
FA50 Women's Am 50+ $40
FA60 Women's Am 60+ $40
FA2 Women's Am 2 $40
FA3 Women's Am 3 $40
FA4 Women's Am 4 $40
FJ18 Girls' Junior 18 $30
FJ15 Girls' Junior 15 $30
FJ12 Girls' Junior 12 $30
FJ10 Girls' Junior 10 $30
FJ08 Girls' Junior 8 $20
FJ06 Girls' Junior 6 $20

About this tournament

We are excited to announce the 5th annual LumberJill NICE! presented by Alpha Michigan Brewing Co.

We will have player packs for all divisions. Divisional CTP's will be part of the mix too. player packs this year will include a tournament stamped disc, a tee shirt and a ticket to the U.P. State fair in Escanaba. There will be rides, food, live music and more there.

Pro divisions will play Blue tee to Red basket

Amateur divisions will play Red tees / Red baskets both rounds.

All 27 holes will be played both rounds.

Cash payouts with a Trophy for first place in every division!

There are many lodging opportunities in the area, B&B's, hotels, campgrounds.

More details to follow as more sponsor's come forward. Come on UP and have an adventure with us in the Northwoods!

Men, spotters are always needed and welcome. If you want to be a part of this super fun day too, come on out! You will receive a tournament stamp disc for your efforts!

2022 Sponsors:
Alpha Michigan Brewing Co.
Disc da U.P.
First National Bank & Trust of Iron Mountain
Second Shot Disc Golf
The Beaten Path
K9 Club
The Scully Family
The Willie
Dizzy Designs
LDN Drafting & Design, LLC

Refund policy

Yooper Dolls (Disc On! Ladies League) is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.