The Lula Record Race
About this tournament
Free Online Registration.
Everyone Pays Day Of Event.
Pro Divisions - 60 (Includes $5 NGCT Green's Fee, $3 PDGA Fees, $2 to GFDF Payout)
AM Divisions - 30 (Includes $5 NGCT Green's Fee, $3 PDGA Fees, $2 to GFDF Payout)
2 Rounds of 18 Holes
Possibly the last chance to own the tournament course record at Lula.
Pro Divisions, MA1, MA40 play Long Tees. Everyone else plays Short Tees.
AMs get 1 Disc and play for a Trophy (min 3 in a division for trophy)
Everyone Pays Day Of Event.
Pro Divisions - 60 (Includes $5 NGCT Green's Fee, $3 PDGA Fees, $2 to GFDF Payout)
AM Divisions - 30 (Includes $5 NGCT Green's Fee, $3 PDGA Fees, $2 to GFDF Payout)
2 Rounds of 18 Holes
Possibly the last chance to own the tournament course record at Lula.
Pro Divisions, MA1, MA40 play Long Tees. Everyone else plays Short Tees.
AMs get 1 Disc and play for a Trophy (min 3 in a division for trophy)
Refund policy
GA Flying Disc Festival is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.