This will be my first foray into running a tee time event so your patience is appreciated.
As of now the plan is to have tee times available on discgolfscene and the pdga site on Thursday evening. Unless there is a big influx of additional entrants tee times will begin at 9:00. Interval will be 15 minutes with a 30 minute break between divisions. GM will be first followed by Masters, Ladies and MPO respectively.
You must check in at least 30 minutes prior to your tee time.
We will use Hole 1 on the Lair course as starting hole.
Course will consist of:
Lair 1
Lair 2
Lair 9
Lair 8
Lair 3
Lair 4
Lair 11
Lair 12
Lions 15
Lions 16
Lions 17
Lions 18
Lions B
Lions C
Lions 10
Lions 11
Lions 12
Lions 13
MPO will play blue (long) tees on Lions course holes both rounds. Lair course only has one set of tees as of now.
Masters will play yellow (shorter) tees on Lions course holes first round and Blue tees second round.
GM and Ladies will play yellow tees on Lions course holes both rounds.
Sunday tee times will be available on site very shortly after the completion of each division's rounds on Saturday and online as soon as I can get them up after that.
Please feel free to ask questions. Thanks!
Lair is on FB as the West course.