The Hangover

Wednesday, January 1, 2025 at Rocklin Disc Golf Course in Rocklin, California
Disc golf doubles tournament

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About this tournament

WELCOME BACK TO THE HANGOVER TOURNAMENT!! This will be a fundraising Doubles Event played at the gorgeous ... more
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Mitchell Conner    Sticky January 1 at 5:59am

Holes rules are as follows:
1: Double Mando- If missed, DZ next to tree.
2-4: Creek OB
6: Play from short t-pad
8: Creek OB
9: Creek OB, proceed to drop zone of both go OB. If both go OB from DZ, STAY AT DZ UNTIL SAFE.
10: Creek OB
11: Mando Right, DZ next to tree. Creek OB
12: Island, 39ft to the corners. If missed, PLAY AS HAZARD.
15: Mando Left, if missed proceed to DZ. Creek OB.
16: Creek OB
17: Creek and beyond AND all flags right and beyond are OB. Proceed to DZ. If missed at DZ, STAY UNTIL SAFE.
18: Creek OB

Mitchell Conner   January 1 at 6:01am

Hole 8 Mando left is in play

Mitchell Conner   January 1 at 4:28pm

2 Meter is in play

Mitchell Conner    Sticky December 13 at 11:40pm

Registration will close the 25th. Refunds will be given up to the 30th. Those that are on the waitlist and still have not gotten in will be given their refund on the 30th.

DAY OF SIGN UP- this will be a first come first serve. We will have a sheet to sign your name. It never fails that we have teams, or just one individual from a team, not show. To keep the tourney full, we will accept CASH ONLY. We will not be exceeding the 120 players. Please plan accordingly.


Mitchell Conner    Sticky December 10 at 12:32am

Course rules will be as follows:
2 meter rule is in effect.
Obey all mandatory signs.
All orange/red whiskers will mark OB along the creeks and ARE in play.
Holes 9 & 17- if both drives go OB, proceed to the drop zone. If both go OB again, stay at the drop zone and shoot again. Do this until safe.
The yellow hazard markers are NOT in play.

Mitchell Conner   December 20 at 7:17pm

Hole 12 will be an island hole. If missed it will play as HAZARD.

Mitchell Conner   December 20 at 7:19pm

Hole 17 will have the normal OB at the creek AND it will be flagged on the high side around the basket. This will make it a narrow peninsula. Proceed to the DZ if OB.

Mitchell Conner   December 29 at 10:13pm

Hole 6 will be played from THE OLD PAD

William Letson    December 31 at 5:17pm

Hey Mitchell or Owen,
Is it possible for Blake and I to be moved to MPO?


Kristine King    December 13 at 10:52pm

Do we have a date when adjustments are made? Just wondering about getting us added to womens division. Trying to make travel plans

Mitchell Conner   December 13 at 11:42pm

If spots open, we will fill them in order of 1st signed up. If that division is full, it will move down to the next team.

Kristine King   December 13 at 11:52pm

I had a previous convo with Owen about getting other womens teams in. Please coordinate with him. Thank you

Mitchell Conner   December 14 at 12:01am

We have added more, as people have dropped. This event is highly sought after by all parties. Thanks for your understanding.

Mark Forsyth    December 10 at 4:52pm

Hey Owen, I need to withdraw but it only gives me the option to withdraw myself (not the whole team) for a 1/2 refund. Can you help out?


Will Wasserstrom    December 2 at 1:33am

I see we're the only team in MP50. Please go ahead and move us to MP40. Cheers

Owen Sandy   December 2 at 5:44am

Sent you a message yesterday about this, will do!

Jacob Kelly    November 29 at 6:50pm

Is there a typical course set up for The Hangover or is it random every year?

Mitchell Conner   November 30 at 12:10am

It’s a random set up, usually a shorter layout to help with the light. We will have it in place the week before

Steve Mihalyi    November 27 at 10:36pm

Is there a way to get in wait list for AM2 (this is the lowest league right?)

Owen Sandy   December 2 at 5:43am

Yes try now

Tanja Peeters    November 27 at 5:02pm

I accidentally signed up in MPO mixed vs coed Pro…Hat Attack. Can you please make the switch? Thank you.

Mitchell Conner   November 27 at 6:39pm

Done, thanks