The HUNT for Worlds

PDGA C-tier

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Hosted by ApeX Disc Golf


T. Stephens Tom Stephens MPO
S. Ananda Sai Ananda FPO
J. McLaughlin James McLaughlin MP40
D. Pederson Drake Pederson MA1
D. Tut Derrick Tut MA2
C. Rhoads Cher Rhoads FA2
M. Baker Makenzi Baker MA3
E. Fish Ethan Fish MJ12
K. Meyer Kyla Meyer FJ12


  • Sat
    Jul 6

    7:30am - 8:30am

    Player check-Ins, Registration, Optional buy-ins

    8:30am - 8:45am

    Players meeting

    9:00am - 12:00pm

    Round 1

    12:00pm - 1:30pm

    Lunch: Provided to ALL player courtesy of Drummin Up BBQ.
    Games: Can Jam, Corn Hole, Ring of Fire

    1:30pm - 1:45pm

    Players meeting

    2:00pm - 5:00pm

    Round 2

    5:00pm - 6:00pm

    Ring of Fire, CTP, raffle and Awards presentation


MPO Mixed Pro Open $55
FPO Women's Pro Open $55
MP40 Mixed Pro 40+ $55
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $45
FA1 Women's Am 1 $40
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ $40
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $40
FA2 Women's Am 2 $40
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $40
MJ12 Mixed Junior 12 $35
FJ12 Girls' Junior 12 $35

About this tournament

This is a fundraising event to help our teammates HUNTINGTON COATS and STACY SITTON get to the AM Worlds this year.

This will be a sanctioned C-Tier event with 2 rounds at Cherry Hill with a modified layout.

Pro Payout will be 85%with 15% going to the fundraiser.

Custom trophies for TOP 3 in ALL divisions.

AM players pack will include a new Custom Disc and T-shirt from ApeX Disc Golf.

Lunch will be catered by Drummin Up BBQ and will be provided to ALL players.

We will have several Baskets in the raffle

We will also have a separate Zuca Cart raffle with limited tickets sold.

5 Macs- The McLaughlin Family
Aaron Walkup
Alfred Gonzolez
Allwest Auto Detail
Amber Dawn Beauty
ApeX Disc Golf
Authentic Growth
Bombshell Sweets
Chris Faulkner
Crazy Clean
Derrick Tuttle
Disc Golf DC
Drummin Up BBQ
Flex Disc Golf
Funke Zipper Pulls
Hells Canyon Disc Golf
Iron Turtle Disc Golf
Jacks Rapid Fire
Jeff & Rebecca Cowley
Jeff Coats Transport
Marshall Green
NIC Resident Hall
Nick Hanko
Nickolas Holt
North Idaho Trophy Co.
Pete & Cher Rhoads
Power Tow
Rocky ridge
Sai Anada & Sterling West
Scotty Hankins
Stacy Sitton
Team High Country
Tim Gisel
Treaty Rock Realty
Wain Hickman

Refund policy

Apex Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.