Indiana County USDGC Doubles Qualifier

Doubles tournament

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Hosted by Jeff McCullough



MIX Mixed $40 / team
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $60 / team
FA1 Women's Am 1 $60 / team
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $60 / team

About this tournament

The most requested event of the year for The Gorge is finally set! Bring your best doubles partner and conquer the competition. It will be Captain's choice (best shot) doubles.

As a USDGC Qualifier, the top teams of the entire tournament (excluding the mixed division) will get an exclusive invite to the USDGC Main Event in Rock Hill, SC on October 4th.

Each player will receive a USDGC tournament stamped disc as part of their registration! (The mixed division has the choice of paying a lower price for the event without the players pack).

"The USDGC Doubles Main Event is an amateur disc golfer's only opportunity to compete at the famed Winthrop Arena Course decked out in all its USDGC Pageantry. If you want to test your mettle on one of the most challenging courses in the world this is your chance. So get qualified and let's see how you and your partner fare in the arena"

The pins for both courses will be set in primarily the courses toughest positions.

Ma1, Fa1, and Ma3 will play two rounds from white

The MA3 division is meant for MA3 level players and below. Each member of an MA3 team should be rated under 900.

Mixed will have the women playing red tees and men playing white tees for each round.

Pre-registration for the event is $60 per team ($40 for mixed). Day of registration will be $60 per team (no players pack disc included).

$25 per each team will be added to that divisions purse. Ctps will be available for each division.

The number of teams that get an invite to the Main Tournament are determined by the best score after two rounds. And the number of total teams invited is based on how many teams sign up. This invite is only available to the ma1, ma3 and fa1 divisions.


1-14 Teams = 1 Team qualifies
15-24 Teams = 2 Teams qualify
25+ Teams = 3 Teams qualify


1-4 Teams = 1 Team qualifies
5-9 Teams = 2 Teams qualify
10+ Teams – 3 Teams qualify

Payout will be to the top teams in each division (based on division size).

There will be 2 payout options for each team that earns prize money:

80% payout - Cold Hard Cash


100% payout - Store credit at the Gorge pro shop

Refund policy

Jeff McCullough is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.

Full refund given up to a week of the event (minus PayPal fees).

No refunds given within a week of the event (players pack can be picked up or mailed at players expense).