The Dreamaker Open III
About this tournament
2 days -1 round of 19 holes per day
Minimum $300 added cash
2 days -1 round of 19 holes per day
Merchout by Discy Chicks Disc Golf
* Players Pack
$5 - Ace Pool
$2 - 2K ace hole by - HOLE 6
FPO - Blue/Blue
MP40 - Blue/Blue
FP40 - Blue/Blue
MA40 - White/White
FA40 - Red/Red
MA50 - White/White
FA50 - Red/Red
MA60 - Red/Red
MA70- Red/Red
MA1 - Blue/Blue
MA2 - White/White
MA3 - Red/Red
FA1 - White/White
FA2 - Red/Red
FA3 - Red/Red
MJ18 - Red/Red
LUNCH - Will be available to purchase on site.
CAMPING - Both service and non-service camping is available and can be booked directly on the campgrounds website. A 10%discount will be applied at checkout.
Ladies and Juniors spots will be held until April 3, then spots will be given to the wait list.
Early Registration for Course Volunteers, contact Sandra Wilhelm-Smillie
All refunds will be handled in accordance with PDGA Competition Manual 1.03 -
2 days -1 round of 19 holes per day
Minimum $300 added cash
2 days -1 round of 19 holes per day
Merchout by Discy Chicks Disc Golf
* Players Pack
$5 - Ace Pool
$2 - 2K ace hole by - HOLE 6
FPO - Blue/Blue
MP40 - Blue/Blue
FP40 - Blue/Blue
MA40 - White/White
FA40 - Red/Red
MA50 - White/White
FA50 - Red/Red
MA60 - Red/Red
MA70- Red/Red
MA1 - Blue/Blue
MA2 - White/White
MA3 - Red/Red
FA1 - White/White
FA2 - Red/Red
FA3 - Red/Red
MJ18 - Red/Red
LUNCH - Will be available to purchase on site.
CAMPING - Both service and non-service camping is available and can be booked directly on the campgrounds website. A 10%discount will be applied at checkout.
Ladies and Juniors spots will be held until April 3, then spots will be given to the wait list.
Early Registration for Course Volunteers, contact Sandra Wilhelm-Smillie
All refunds will be handled in accordance with PDGA Competition Manual 1.03 -
Refund policy
Sandra Wilhelm-Smillie is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.