The Disc Barn Flex Powered By Hooligan Discs #7

PDGA logoSunday, October 15, 2023 at Harry Myers in Rockwall, Texas
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

The Disc Barn Flex Powered By Hooligan Discs #7 graphic


Assistant TD Chad Senter
Tournament DirectorGarett Prisock

About this tournament

Tee off anytime between 7:30am and 5pm!
Registrations are at hole 1 at Harry Myers DGC or online here at discgolfscene

The cost for all divisions for this event is $25. Optional side ace pot is $5(currently $1000).

PDGA Live will be used for scoring. Please use PDGA or UDisc for backup
Access code: DISCBARN

Professional divisions will be paid out via paypal.

Amateur divisions will be paid out via giftcard to

Tee and Hole Descriptions:
Hole 1 Red Tee - Pond is OB
Hole 2 Blue Tee - Sidewalk and beyond OB - Baseball Field OB
Hole 3 Blue Tee - Creek is casual
Hole 4 Blue Tee - Sidewalk and beyond is OB. Creek is casual. Missed Mando goes to short tee
Hole 5 Blue Tee - Sidewalk and beyond is OB
Hole 6 Blue Tee - Sidewalk and beyond is OB
Hole 7 Blue Tee - Sidewalk and beyond is OB
Hole 8 Red Tee - Sidewalk and beyond is OB. Creek is casual. Different drop zone for each mando. Missed mando goes to designated drop zone marked with orange flags
Hole 9 Blue Tee - Bridge is casual. Missed mando goes to short tee
Hole 10 Blue Tee - Sidewalk and beyond is OB.
Hole 11 Red Tee - Fence and beyond is OB
Hole 12 Red Tee - Sidewalk and beyond is OB.
Hole 13 Blue Tee - Sidewalk and beyond is OB
Hole 14 Blue Tee - Sidewalk and beyond is OB
Hole 15 Red Tee - NO MANDO TREE. Fence and beyond is OB
Hole 16 Blue Tee - no OB
Hole 17 Red Tee - Sidewalk and beyond is OB. Pond is OB
Hole 18 Blue Tee - Fence and beyond is OB. Parking lot is OB

Refund policy

The Disc Barn / Hooligan Discs is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.


Harry Myers
Rockwall, TX   Get Directions

Final Results

PDGA results at
1Joseph Hernandez5959
2Blake Burgess6363
3Ben Pounds6767
4Isaac Marrs7070
1David Radcliff-0
1Jackson McDonald5656
2Luke Lopez5858
3Chad Senter6161
4Christian Carreon6262
4Dustin Dumdei6262
4Garett Prisock6262
4Samuel Park6262
8Cody Greenhill6464
8Dalton Kirby6464
10Cody Sharp6565
11Justin McMahan6868
1Michael Haberman7070
1Ricardo Mota5757
2Alex Sharp6060
3Bryan Gibbs6161
3Teigan Haft6161
5Adolfo Hernandez6363
5Jonathan Miller6363
7Andrew Aguilar6666
7Rafael Guerrero6666
9Bill Finner6969
10Jamie Blackman7474
11Philip Litalien8181
12Perry Jamail888888
1Nick Dame6262
1Sebastian Torres6262
3Matthew Kinney6363
4Garrett Savage6464
4Jonathon Nicholson6464
4Troy Miller6464
7CJ Clausen6565
7Travis Sall6565
9Troy Reich6666
10Taylor Poydence6767
11Gannon Blain6868
11Ryan Mitchell6868
11Willie Moses6868
14Chase Williams7070
14Wayne Jones7070
16Christian Ramos7171
16Joshua Moses7171
16Michael Bearclaw Crenshaw7171
16Russ Hull7171
16Wes Gray7171
21Cole Smith7272
22Benjamin Johnson7373
22Eric MOORE7373
22J REY7373
22Joseph Boner7373
22Osvaldo Ortega7373
27Jeff Martell7474
27Justin McCray7474
29Joe Smith7676
30Nathan Hoxie7777
31Jesse Stillwagon7878
31Madison McGill7878
31Robert Wolfe7878
34Joel Hilliard8787
1CJ Jewell7878
1John Stammreich7878
3Allison Senter8383
1Kala Ryan8585
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