The Directors Cup presented by PDGA

PDGA XC-tier

Sat-Sun, October 26-27, 2013

Hosted by IDGC



MPO Mixed Pro Open $0

About this tournament

INVITATIONAL, must have received an invitation from the PDGA to play in this event. If you did not receive an email but are a State Coodinator, Tournament Director, or PDGA volunteer and would like to take part please email [email redacted]

This event will take place at the International Disc Golf Center (IDGC) in Appling, GA on the weekend of October 26 - 27, 2013. It is our intention to provide a fun, free and informative weekend of events including:

• Informative Seminars
• Free XC Tier Disc Golf tournament
• Fun Fly Mart and Player's Party.

The IDGC is the perfect venue to host this type of event and we are welcoming all of our Tournament Directors, State Coordinators, PDGA volunteers, and other representatives to join us.
The Directors Cup is a new educational event designed for our volunteers that help make the PDGA and the sport of disc golf a success. The tournament portion of the event will be 2 rounds, one on Saturday afternoon and one on Sunday morning, with RATINGS based divisions competing for donated prizes. The divisions will be finalized and posted by check in on Friday night.

This format is in preparation for seminars and Q & A sessions to be held Friday night and Saturday morning. Some topics to be covered:
• PDGA Tournament Management,
• Course Design
• Local Club Management
• Disc Golf Fundamentals for Instructors
• Q & A with the PDGA Staff.

The PDGA will be providing all meals free on Saturday including a BBQ dinner party and breakfast on Sunday.

We will also be hosting other various FUN activities including:
• Mini golf
• A disc swap
• Historical tours of the IDGC site including the PDGA trailer and operations center
• Door Prizes
• Discounts on PDGA/IDGC merchandise in our pro shop and PDGA memberships throughout the weekend.


Refund policy

IDGC is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.