The Cougar Cup
Comments 40 following
About this tournament
Wyatt Wagner Sticky February 22, 2023 at 8:17pm
Course preview video uploaded for anyone who hasn't played at MVNU yet! I hope this helps in some way.
Ricky haught April 8, 2023 at 10:54pm
you ran a great tournament today, thanks for all you do for the disc golf community
Wyatt Wagner April 8, 2023 at 3:52pm
Round 2 begins at 1:20!
Wyatt Wagner April 8, 2023 at 1:53am
Tee assignments have been posted. See you all in the morning!
Wyatt Wagner April 7, 2023 at 6:55pm
Had some issues emailing the Caddy guide. This is what was intended to make it to everyone.
Hey Everyone!
Super excited to present to you, The Cougar Cup, 2023.
The official, and hopefully correct caddy guide is attached below. Just a reminder that MPO and MA1 will be playing a temporary long tee on a few holes. You as the player are responsible for knowing which pads you play. The password for scoring at is "gocougs"
Hole assignments will be Friday night
Douglas Craiglow April 7, 2023 at 3:33pm
Any info on the caddy guide?
It should have been emailed out last night, have you not received it? If anyone else hasn’t received it, please let me know and I can find a solution
Wyatt Wagner April 3, 2023 at 1:07am
MPO and MA1 will be playing temp longs on holes 1, 3, 4, and 9. New baskets are (more than likely) not going to make it by this weekend, but this is a perfect opportunity to see how some of these new holes will play! I will have the tee pads marked with flags by tomorrow afternoon. MVNU Golds are on the way!
Caddy book will be updated and posted Thursday night after registration closes. As a player it is your responsibility to understand the caddy book and rules on each hole. ...
Will the OB be similar to the doubles tournament a few weeks ago?
Very much so, you can expect the 2 meter relief off all water again. OB is almost entirely roads and water. I may paint a line or two by Thursday
Ryan Lindsay March 27, 2023 at 4:22pm
Wyatt, are spectators allowed for this event?
Of course! Spectators are by all means encouraged so come along. As long as they are mindful of staying out of the way of some shots, there is nothing but good from spectators.
Wyatt Wagner March 22, 2023 at 3:32am
All players who wish to participate must pay the required entrance fee within 72 hours of their promotion from the waitlist and into the registered players list. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of their spot, and the next person on the waitlist will be offered the opportunity to take their place.
I understand that unexpected circumstances can arise, and if you are unable to pay within the allotted 72 hours, please contact me promptly to discuss alternative arrangements. However ...
Brendan Miller March 16, 2023 at 3:42pm
Hey, Wyatt when signed up for MA2 I didn't have a PDGA number. However I just got my PDGA number today I was wondering if you could if it could be included with my registration? If not no big deal just checking. My PDGA #252300
Just took care of it. You should be getting a $10 refund adding a PDGA number to registration
Joshua Dawson March 16, 2023 at 1:43am
Hey Wyatt, I am no longer able to make it to the tournament. I have work schedule conflict that I can’t miss. Is it possible to still be refunded or is it to late?
Stephen Hargreaves March 14, 2023 at 1:18am
Hi Wyatt, I've unfortunately got an injury that just isn't getting better so I'm going to have to drop. Can I still get a refund?
Rodney Miller March 7, 2023 at 4:40am
Could I be moved from MA1 to MPO?
Samuel B March 4, 2023 at 5:15pm
I wont be able to make it. Could you please remove me from the tournament. Thank you
Nate Fisher February 26, 2023 at 1:16am
Should definitely open up a few more spots for open. Just heard about this
There is always a possibility, but for now we are just planning on 72 spots, 4 on each hole
Samuel Benedict February 22, 2023 at 8:45pm
If you're still looking for people to move up from MA3 I'll move up to MA1
Mason Pierce February 17, 2023 at 1:28am
any chance for mj10 division or should i just sign him up for mj18?
Unfortunately there is such a drought in young competitors that the only option I can have available as of right now is MJ18. Hopefully in the future this changes!
Wyatt Wagner February 9, 2023 at 12:47am
There are currently rumors spreading about new baskets coming in the front 9... I can't promise anything, but there is a good chance that we will have Discatchers by April! No more stupid spit outs off of these dinky ones we have currently
Wyatt Wagner February 5, 2023 at 2:55pm
If you’re comfortable with moving up a division from MA3 to MA2 or even MA1, please do. It would be awesome to have a bigger field in those divisions. I’m going to cap off MA3 and MA4 so hopefully the top half fills a little.
Thanks everyone!
Tristan, I will most likely remove caps within a few weeks of the event if we don't fill
James Schmidt-Opelka January 29, 2023 at 1:17am
Wyatt I requested a refund. I can no longer make it that weekend
Refunded! Sorry you can't make it out, you'll have to catch the next one
I appreciate the compliment. I love all the support you guys give for these events! So neat to see that they have grown so quickly