The Camp Lutherhaven Moose Mulligan and Paw Paw Putt

Doubles tournament · Amateur

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Hosted by Camp Lutherhaven Disc Golf


S. Vandercar Simeon Vandercar PPP
E. Wyss Emma Wyss PPP
J. Wyss Joe Wyss PPP
K. Dircksen Kaeuna Dircksen PPP
J. Menzie Jeff Menzie L1
K. Menzie Kray Menzie L1
B. Miller Brandon Miller L2
B. Miller Braylon Miller L2
J. Reineke Joseph Reineke L3
S. Bernau Samuel Bernau L3
K. Morse Kathy Morse DON
M. Berning Monica Berning DON
S. Rennecker Stephanie Rennecker DON
T. Jank Tim Jank DON


  • Sat
    Aug 6

    8:00am - 8:40am

    Check in.

    8:40am - 8:55am

    Announcements/dismissal to starting holes.

    9:00am - 11:45am

    Moose Mulligan Tournament Round. (Paw Paw Putt Clinic Start)

    11:45am - 12:00pm

    Turn in Scorecards and Calculate Results

    12:00pm - 12:30pm



PPP Paw Paw Putt Clinic (Ages 5-12) $12 / player
L1 Lvl 1: Rating 2-4 (see about) $25 / player
L2 Lvl 2: Rating 5-6 (see about) $25 / player
L3 Lvl 3: Rating 7-12 (see about) $25 / player
DON Donation/T-shirt and Packet Only $25 / player

About this tournament

Update: The deadline to guarantee your t-shirt size is July 21st at noon. Extra shirts will be ordered, but we cannot guarantee that the size you want will be available after that date.

This family friendly event includes two options based on age. The Moose Mulligan is a beginner friendly, best shot doubles tournament and the Paw Paw Putt is a clinic for inexperienced children ages 5-12.

The Paw Paw Putt will consist of a clinic followed by playing a mini course. All necessary equipment will be provided for the Paw Paw Putt. If your older child has been playing disc golf already, the Moose Mulligan is probably a better fit for them.

The Moose Mulligan will utilize Camp Lutherhaven's 9 hole disc golf course with two additional temporary holes. All 11 holes will be played twice for a total of 22 holes.

Camp Lutherhaven will have some discs available to borrow for the Moose Mulligan if needed. Please indicate this during registration.

All participants in both the Moose Mulligan and the Paw Paw Putt will receive a T-Shirt (deadline to reserve your size is July 21st at noon. After that, sizes cannot be guaranteed). Participants in the Moose Mulligan will also receive a Logo Stamped Mini Marker.

There will be awards for the top team in each division (Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3). There will also be prizes for multiple included Closest to the Pin (CTP) contests.

This is a fundraising event. Proceeds will go towards Lutherhaven’s Campership Fund, which fulfills an ongoing, annual need, providing assistance to families who do not have the financial resources to experience a summer camp program at Lutherhaven.

We are using a custom ranking system to separate divisions. Please rate each player's skill based on the below scale and then add their ranks together to get your division for your doubles team.

Individual Player Ranking:
1: I have never thrown a disc golf disc.
2: I have played a little, the disc doesn’t fly very far, and I am learning the basic rules.
3. I have played a couple of full rounds of disc golf, I am starting to understand how the disc flies, and I know the basic rules. I get the disc in the basket eventually.
4. I have played lots of disc golf, I understand how my favorite discs fly pretty well. I get more bogeys than birdies.
5. I have played lots of disc golf. I am proficient with different types of discs and throwing styles. I get more birdies than bogeys.
6. I’m good. I know all the rules, I can throw a disc the length of a football field easily and make my putts from inside 30 feet almost every time.

Team Ranking (Individual Player Ranks added together):
Level 1: 2-4
Level 2: 5-6
Level 3: 7-12

Note: Camp Lutherhaven is a tobacco, alcohol, and drug free facility.

Refund policy

Camp Lutherhaven Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.