Each registered player will receive a player gift/gifts in the value of $35.00/$40.00
1st-3rd place of each division will be paid out in Teddy Peddler Doll Hairs.
Trophies will be awarded to the top finishers of each division.
Food will be provided for all registered players.
Limited camping spots on site. Please send me a message if you want to making on site camping arranments. I will be set up on firday and will be camping on site for the evening, feel free to join me! We will have a fire going all night!
All event profits will contribute to adding new tee signs at The Beast.
Each division will play one round from the short tees and one round from the long tees.
More info coming soon. (updated 2.3.22)
(Series details
For 2022 some important changes have been made to the series structure to take note of.
This year only five divisions will be eligible for points and the series championship prize payout. MPO MA1 MA40 MA2 FA1
The point series is an incentive to players to "play up" and aspire to aways compete at the highest level.
NOTE A full spread of divisions will be offered at each event but only the ones listed above will be eligible for series points throughout the 2022 season.
The top 3 finishers of each division will receive a series payout in Teddy Peddler Doll Hairs,
Series champions will also receive 1 PAID ENTRY FEE TO THE 2022 Myrtle Beach Open Presented by US Disc Golf and the 2022 Inside the Circle Championship trophy.
1st $200.00 + MBO Entry + 2022 Championship trophy
2nd $100.00
3rd $50.00
Welcome to the 2022 Inside the Circle Tournmant Point series, The road to the MBO!!
NOTE Point Series is at no added cost to participants, the series is an added bonus just for showing up to play.
Preliminary Event Points. (7 Events)
- Each player will receive 1 point for competing in that tournament.
- Player will receive 1 point for every player that they beat for that tournament on a per division basis.
Championship Event Points. (1 Event)
- Each player will receive 1 point for competing in that tournament.
- Player will receive 1 point for every player that they beat for that tournament on a per division basis,
- Players that compete in all 7 events will also receive an extra 10 points
Points DO NOT transfer divisions
No problem. See you next time!