The Barsby Battle at Shelton Springs

Sunday, December 16, 2018 at Shelton Springs DGC in Shelton, Washington
Disc golf singles tournament

The Barsby Battle at Shelton Springs graphic


Tournament DirectorGregg B
Local OrganizerJohn Anderson

Refund policy

Barsbyline is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.

Full refunds will only be administered if proper notice is given, not responsible for full refunds if the attendee is a no show.


Final Results

1Nick Schluyer5252
2Chris Bruner5454
2Luke Wondergem5454
2Tyler Porter5454
5Jeremy Foremny5656
6Eric Hughes5858
6Mike Mayer5858
6PJ Laush5858
9Joe Rielly5959
10Jeremy Marsh6060
10Mason Matthews6060
12Kenny Brock6161
12Ray R6161
14Eric Wilson6262
15Gene Marks6464
15Jedidah Hall6464
15Ryan Guiher6464
18Alex Hurd6565
18Joe Chrisman6565
18Josh Heidemann6565
21Jarrett Nesmith6666
21Louie Orozco6666
25Max Spears6969
25Mitchell Dorman6969
27Joshua Roblee7070
28Caleb Joiner7171
29Carl Lavender7373
30Casey Hamrick7878
31Jason Johnson-0
1Daniel Trippi5454
2Nathan Powers5757
3Chris Ruddell6161
3Josh Joiner6161
3Mark Hill6161
3Matthew Amos6161
7Alexander Supertramp6363
8Jay Smith6464
8Jeremy John6464
8Jules VanAusdeln6464
11Clayton Robinson6565
11Jack Ingraham6565
11Jon Fabis6565
14Anthony Lyman6767
14Jacob Greenwalt6767
16Brandon Jeske6868
16Jon Brown6868
16Micah Ballman6868
16Scott Sain6868
20Matthew Kunkel6969
20Sebastian Phoenix6969
22Auston Mayer7070
22Danny Priest7070
22Nathan Piwonski7070
25Chris Gatchel7272
25Robert Baille7272
25Taylor Livingston7272
28James Weaver7474
29Delmor Endietto7575
30Michael Pope7676
31Jesse Beard7777
32Josh Bush8282
Round 1: Shelton Springs DGC - Regular tees, 18 holes, par 54
1Taylor Foth6767
2Katie Schneider6868
3Ashlee Harris7070
4Amanda Nelson7373
5Danielle Keen7979
6Dawn Arn8181
7Amanda Andrade9191
8Jennifer Robinson9595
9Lori Heidemann-0
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