The 4th Annual Frozen Toad Open Sponsored by MVP Discs

PDGA logoSaturday, December 7, 2019 at N.E. Lions Park in Norman, Oklahoma
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

The 4th Annual Frozen Toad Open Sponsored by MVP Discs graphic


Tournament DirectorMike Taliaferro
Assistant Tournament DirectorDennis Pletcher

About this tournament

The 4th Annual Frozen Toad Open is a 1-day C-Tier on December 7th that plays two great Norman Oklahoma courses. Late Registration/Check-in, the player's meeting, and the first round will be at Griffin Park. The 2nd round and awards will be at N.E. Lions park. The two courses are less than 5 minutes away from each other on opposite sides of the street.

We will be playing the short/am pads at both courses and only the original 18 - no alternate holes in play for this tournament.

Weather generally ranges anywhere from sleet/freezing rain to 50 degrees and sunny. The only weather conditions that would cancel or postpone play are hail, lightning, and tornadoes.

This year, the tournament is sponsored by MVP Disc Sports. The players pack includes:
– MVP Proton Disc
– 2019 Events Cotton Shirt
– Large Metal Mini Driver
– Osmosis Sport Bag
– MVP Fusion Glow Stick
– Silicon Wristband
– Paper Scorecard
– Pencil

There are optional fundraiser discs, plenty of sponsorship opportunities, and an optional hoodie that can be purchased with registration.

Refund policy

DiscBite is responsible for all refunds/cancelations and follows the PDGA guidelines for withdrawal found here:
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