Jonathan Lisbona
There have been a couple changes in hole assignments! Please double check now and in the morning in case there are other changes! May 20, 2023
Jonathan Lisbona
Player meeting/caddy book has been sent out to the email you registered with and hole assignments have been posted. See you all in the morning! May 20, 2023
We will be posting those tonight and sending out an email likely around 9-10 PM. We’ve had a few l ...
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We will be posting those tonight and sending out an email likely around 9-10 PM. We’ve had a few last minute drops and shuffle and have been painting OB on the course this evening. Thanks for everyone’s patience.
Bethel Barrett May 20, 2023you da man… keep up the fruitful work. There are many needs and few workers. Appreciate all you are doing !
Jonathan Lisbona
Caddy book has been added to the "Pictures" tab. Subject to change. Be on the lookout for the player meeting email coming tomorrow! May 19, 2023
Dave Quint May 19, 2023Great question, Michael. I heard something about "40 days and 40 nights" in the forecast. ;)
Jonathan Lisbona May 19, 2023That’s the hope! If not there will be an adjustment made on the fly tomorrow morning and everyone will be properly informed
Dave Quint May 19, 2023You heard Jonathan, folks. Bring your flexible attitude and pack it in the top pocket of your bag!
Ryan Hintz
Will there be any artificial OB painted on the course? The attached pictures of the tee signs just refer to typical OB (paths/fences/etc.), but I noticed in past years there were painted lines added on some of the holes. Just curious. Thanks! May 18, 2023
Les Norwood May 18, 2023Yes, we’ll be putting out some OB painted lines between 14 and 16 for safety reasons and painting Loch Ness Lair (thicket to right of hole 13).
Dave Quint May 18, 2023I was wondering the same thing. Thanks, Les!
Les Norwood May 16, 2023Hey Chris - Since there is only 1 pool, the waitlist is consolidated. Currently, there are 5 players on the WL so you’d be #6 at the moment if you signed up.