Thacher Throw Down

PDGA C-tier

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Hosted by Ryan Johnson


  • Sat
    May 15

    8:00am - 8:45am

    Check in


    First Round Begins

    12:15pm - 12:45pm



    Second Round Begins


    Scores tallied




MPO Mixed Pro Open $55
FPO Women's Pro Open $55
MP40 Mixed Pro 40+ $55
MP50 Mixed Pro 50+ $55
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $45
FA1 Women's Am 1 $35
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $35
FA2 Women's Am 2 $30
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $30

About this tournament

Welcome to the first annual Thacher Throw Down!
This will be a PDGA C-Tier singles event and is being held at John Boyd Thacher State Park.
First off, this event is open to all Amateur and Pro players alike. All Pro divisions will play for a cash payout, and Amateur divisions will play for prizes that include credit to Capital Discs.
For all Amateur players, we have ordered discs through Discraft with a custom Thacher Throw Down stamp. Each Am player will have the option between (one of) a Heat, Buzzz, or Zone in Z plastic. Pros will be able to purchase a disc on site if desired.

Covid rules are still in effect, and details will be sent to all registrants prior to the event to ensure safety for all players and other park goers.

Below are things you will need to know for the event:
YOU DO NOT NEED TO PAY FOR PARKING. I'm being told by the park that there will not be an attendant at the front kiosk, and I will be paying the park after the event for the number of vehicles we have, so do not pay at the pay station when you arrive. Please plan to park in the lot nearest to hole 1. If you are unfamiliar with which parking lot that is, if you come in the main entrance (the one with the attendant station) , take an immediate left. The parking lot we will use is then the first parking lot on the right (you will clearly see hole 10's basket on your way in the lot). Beware that parking along the edges is sure to put your car in the danger zone, as holes 7 and 12 will see players launch discs into the lot and account for many an OB stroke.
Please arrive between 8:00-8:45 to check in. There will be a tent near hole 1 where you will be able to pick up your players pack disc. The players pack disc is your choice of ONE of a Discraft Z plastic Buzzz, Heat, or Zone. If you did not buy into the Ace Pot but decide that hole 9 looks too juicy to not try your luck, you will be able to do so at check in. 
Tournament play:
We will start promptly at 9am. This will be a "shotgun start" - meaning everyone will start from a different hole on the course all at the same time. Player cards will be 4 people to a hole. We ask that, due to covid restrictions still being in place, you maintain a distance of 6 feet from others when possible and please, no spectators or caddies. Official scorecards will be done via the PDGA Live Scoring site. A password will be available at the check in table before the start of the round. Please be sure to bring a smart phone with you so each foursome has someone who can keep score. There will be a short break after the first round, with the second round starting at 1pm. Be sure to check Live Scoring for what hole to start on for round 2.

I have made some changes to the layout for this tournament. Par for this event is 56. See the hole directions below:
Hole 1: Par 3. No OB.
Hole 2: OB path past the basket
Hole 3: OB path past the basket
Hole 4: OB fence behind the basket
Hole 5: OB fence to left
Hole 6: Par 3. No OB
Hole 7: OB parking lot (any pavement including sidewalk behind the basket)
Hole 8: teepad change - tee from demarcated area on sidewalk.
Hole 9: Mandatory island. OB is marked. If you miss the island you proceed to the drop zone with a penalty stroke.
Hole 10: Par 3. OB left is the road, OB right is the parking lot, OB long is the road.
Hole 11: OB road. 
Hole 12: Par 4. OB road on left and OB parking lot on right.
Hole 13: OB road on right
Hole 14: OB road on right
Hole 15: teepad change - tee from demarcated area behind normal teepad. Mandatory left of trees, see Mando sign. If you miss the Mando, proceed to the drop zone with a penalty stroke, the normal teepad for hole 15 and will be marked as the drop zone.
Hole 16: Par 3. OB fence left, OB road right
Hole 17: OB fence left
Hole 18: OB fence left

Out of bounds clarification:
When I say "OB road", the nearest edge of the road delineates the furthest boundary of the area that is considered "in play". Anything on the other side of the road would be out of bounds as well (for instance, if your disc lands near hole 12's tee pad while you're playing hole 11, it's out of bounds). If your disc lands on the road, but any part of the disc is still in bounds, the disc is considered in bounds. 

Capital Discs will be ON SITE for all of your disc golf needs. Amateur prizes will be vouchers to the store. If you choose not to use your prize vouchers at the event, you will be issued an e-voucher to use at your discretion. 
If you have questions - you can reach me at [email redacted].

Check in
A number of people have had to drop this week - the waitlist is down to 7 people. Keep an eye out on that list as things change rapidly. I expect everyone to be checked in by 8:45 am. If you are registered for the event and have not checked in by 8:45, if anyone from the waitlist shows up to the event and is waiting for an open spot, they will be given the spot (in order of their place on the waitlist) - even if you show up late you will not be able to play if your spot has been filled. If you are having major issues and are running late, please text me.

I'm aware that the teepads are not perfect at Thacher - there are some lumps to contend with. Due to this, players will be allowed to tee off NEXT TO the teepad. I will try to have the ground marked where the acceptable place is next to the teepads that are especially problematic. 

Thank yous
First off I want to thank Jeremy at Capital Discs for not only being our payout supplier and being at the event, but also for his financial sponsorship of this event AND his guidance in helping me with some of the finer details of running a big event like this. Go spend all your money at his store: I'd also like to thank John Glenn for helping coordinate this whole event and for his disc design. He'll be playing at the event, so if you like the discs, be sure to let him know! 
I'm looking forward to a beautiful day of disc golf with you all!


Refund policy

Ryan Johnson is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.