Taylor Park Long Pad Flex/Pro Shop 1st Anniversary round

PDGA logoSaturday, November 18, 2023 at Taylor Park in Largo, Florida
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Taylor Park Long Pad Flex/Pro Shop 1st Anniversary round graphic

About this tournament

In celebration of the Saltwater Crew Pro Shop's 1st Anniversary, we are holding this 1 round Flex Start, PDGA Sanctioned C-Tier Event. Open players will receive Cash Payout, Amateur divisions will receive Pro Shop Voucher payout. ALL players will play the LONG PADS! You will Check In at the Saltwater Crew Disc Golf Pro Shop upon arrival where you will be carded up. If you do not have a card, we will add you to a group as players arrive. Must have at least 3 players in a group and no more than 5. The earlier you arrive the easier it will be to put you on a card if you don't have one already. All normal Taylor OBs will be in effect with No 2-meter rule and an OB line along the tall grass by the lake. By registering for this tournament, you are signing the release of liability waiver. Tournament fees are as follows: $2 PDGA fee, $2, $2 TD fee.

Refund policy

Saltwater Crew Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. PayPal Fees and Disc golf scene fees non-refundable. All withdraws will be handled in accordance with PDGA Competition Manual 1.03 Withdrawals and Refunds. In all applicable areas where a handling fee is noted, Saltwater Crew Disc Golf, LLC reserves the right to retain $2 from each withdraw as a handling fee per PDGA rules.


Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/75029
Round 1: Taylor Park - Taylor Park Long Pad Flex, 18 holes, par 54
1Dan Hanson4848
2Christian Wilborn4949
3Joseph Eskut5454
3Samuel Sneed5454
5Nathan Meyer-Niedzwiecki5555
6Michael Vancott5757
7Ian Lacquement6060
Round 1: Taylor Park - Taylor Park Long Pad Flex, 18 holes, par 54
1Kevin Huxhold5151
2Ryan O'Rear5353
3Jason Applefield5757
Round 1: Taylor Park - Taylor Park Long Pad Flex, 18 holes, par 54
1Matthew Fulk5757
2Chad Woodard6060
Round 1: Taylor Park - Taylor Park Long Pad Flex, 18 holes, par 54
1Ed Dentzel5353
2Tyler Rudd5454
3Chris O'Brien5555
3Gary Persons5555
3Jacob Hudak5555
3Keidan Nagle5555
7Griffen Weeks5656
9Jakob Phillips5757
10Larry Gamboni6161
Round 1: Taylor Park - Taylor Park Long Pad Flex, 18 holes, par 54
1Brandon Cerge5555
2Shawn Allen5858
3Zachary Rosian5959
4Rick Bose6161
5Zackary Kennedy6363
6Dick Cerge6464
7Timothy Marks6565
8Robert O'Boyle6969
9Greg Fawver7070
Round 1: Taylor Park - Taylor Park Long Pad Flex, 18 holes, par 54
1Jordan Belter7373
Round 1: Taylor Park - Taylor Park Long Pad Flex, 18 holes, par 54
1Madalynn MadZoo Shepley6161
Round 1: Taylor Park - Taylor Park Long Pad Flex, 18 holes, par 54
1Tina Woodard7474
Round 1: Taylor Park - Taylor Park Long Pad Flex, 18 holes, par 54
1Peter Woodard6060
2Maddox Scheeringa6161
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