Title Town Monster Mash presesnted by Loosa Brews

PDGA logoSat-Sun, October 28-29, 2017 at Bowers Park in Tuscaloosa, Alabama
B-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Title Town Monster Mash presesnted by Loosa Brews graphic
Added cash $1,000


Tournament DirectorTailor Holley
Assistant Tournament DirectorAndy Burns
Assistant Tournament DirectorBenjamin Cybul

About this tournament


Players Pack Pickup at Loosa Brews (If you come to Loosa on Friday to pick up, you will get to hand pick your 2 discs. If not, you will receive them at random on Sunday)
Friday, October 27 5p.m.-10p.m.
-2 Trilogy Custom Stamped Disc, hand warmers and other swag
(Players Packs sponsored by Dynamic Discs)
Players Party at Loosa Brews
Saturday, October 28 7:00p.m.-
-Putting Contest (Cash and Prizes)
-Ping Pong Tournament (Prizes)
-Raffle Giveaways

Tournament Info

Pool A (Open, ADV divisions)

Saturday, October 28

Palmore Park (Blue Tees)
-Players Meeting @8:30, Tee Time @9:00am

Bower's Park (Red Tees)
-Players Meeting Approx. 1:00, Tee Time 1:15pm

Sunday, October 29

Palmore Park (Gold Tees)
-Players Meeting 8:30, Tee Time 9:00am

Pool B`(All Other Divisions)

Saturday, October 28
Bower's Park (Red Tees)
-Players Meeting @8:30, Tee Time @9:00am

Palmore Park (Blue Tees)
-Players Meeting Approx. 1:00, Tee Time 1:15pm

Sunday, October 29

Bower's Park (Red Tees)
-Players Meeting 8:40, Tee Time 9:00am

Refund policy

All refunds/cancellation need to have Tailor Holley or Andy Burns notified within 48 hours of the event starting. Players packs will not be refunded within 7 days of the tournament.


Bowers Park
Tuscaloosa, AL   Get Directions
Palmore Park
Tuscaloosa, AL   Get Directions


Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/33327
Round 1: Palmore Park - Blue, 18 holes, par 58
Round 2: Bowers Park - Monster Mash Special, 18 holes, par 55
Round 3: Palmore Park - Gold, 18 holes, par 65
1Colin Forehand534960162
2Jared Neal594956164
3Jay Woodroof554966170
4Darren Simpson555165171
5Tailor Holley585065173
6Benjamin Cybul595761177
7Joseph Sutton555571181
8Stewart Garner665070186
9D.J. Rushlow575676189
10Derek Albritton645475193
11Stephen Wilkinson655775197
12Scott Godfrey676378208
13Devan Hall7158-129
Round 1: Palmore Park - Blue, 18 holes, par 58
Round 2: Bowers Park - Monster Mash Special, 18 holes, par 55
Round 3: Palmore Park - Gold, 18 holes, par 65
1Shannon Flory655373191
2Rusty Chisolm766579220
Round 1: Palmore Park - Blue, 18 holes, par 58
Round 2: Bowers Park - Monster Mash Special, 18 holes, par 55
Round 3: Palmore Park - Gold, 18 holes, par 65
1Andy Freeman575671184
2Michael Connors755876209
3Michael Dickson676382212
Round 1: Bowers Park - Monster Mash Special, 18 holes, par 55
Round 2: Palmore Park - Blue, 18 holes, par 58
Round 3: Bowers Park - Monster Mash Special, 18 holes, par 55
1Chris Mizusawa556453172
2Johnathon Moody566857181
2Tylor Radvansky566461181
4David Radvansky606958187
4Nick Sullivan586861187
6Jonathan Pearce616859188
7Durward Hass597266197
8Brad Starks6073-133
Round 1: Bowers Park - Monster Mash Special, 18 holes, par 55
Round 2: Palmore Park - Blue, 18 holes, par 58
Round 3: Bowers Park - Monster Mash Special, 18 holes, par 55
1D.W. Hass626562189
2Matthew Smith676563195
3Ben Flowers627065197
4Bill Waycaster607662198
5Allen Hester667866210
6Brandon Reed726971212
7Alex Freeman688067215
8Adam Johnston717768216
9Preston Brown678862217
9Zachary Powell677377217
11Zeke Snodgross738066219
Round 1: Bowers Park - Monster Mash Special, 18 holes, par 55
Round 2: Palmore Park - Blue, 18 holes, par 58
Round 3: Bowers Park - Monster Mash Special, 18 holes, par 55
1Mike Green617769207
2Woody Hass668364213
3Matthew Yaeger668367216
4Waylon Mims747865217
5Harold Daley708170221
6Richard 'Merica Collum698073222
7Bobby Malone748772233
8John Hand8083-163
9Evan Yell8688-174
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