TSC Fundraiser: Lakeview Park
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About this tournament
The disc golf tournament at Lakeview Park in Sarasota isn't just about competition—it's a fundraiser for The ...
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Judy Gipson April 5 at 9:55pm
Have a friend wanting to sign up tomorrow. Is this possible? Assume he would have to be there to join in on an available time slot.
Chris Cielo April 5 at 7:23pm
If anyone has an earlier tee time than 930 and can switch me it would be much appreciated. If not, no biggie.
Andrew Palmer April 5 at 3:35pm
Fire ants on the Red tee pad of 18 this morning, look out
timothy marks April 5 at 2:22pm
Hey Tyler can i get you to change tee time for Tim Marks and Chuck Kelsey from 11:00 to the 9:30 slot
Tyler Parker
April 5 at 9:38pm
I just now saw this, sorry. Looks like the spots are taken. You can always edit your time yourself.
Jeff Ruberg April 5 at 12:11am
Need a volunteer?
Kevin Phillippi March 16 at 3:43pm
Will this event be 18 or 20 holes?
Judy Gipson March 14 at 7:02am
Thanks, Tyler. Sam, a half point is better than no point at all. :-)
Judy Gipson March 14 at 12:22am
Where's the "ancient lady's" division? I need the points.
Sign up is open until 8pm tonight. No day of sign ups tomorrow though.
10pm now
Thanks. I was going to sign him up but since he is not a PDGA member he was being charged extra so he backed out.