TPC Amana
About this tournament
This event will fill! It has filled every year. It is a ton a fun and worth the money.
Ride around in golf carts on a TPC golf course!
Two Rounds of at least 18 holes. Singles Format
This event will fill!
Pro Divisions $90
Amateur Divisions $75
Little Wing $75
($35 greens fee included)
Anyone who rides in a cart must pay $35 green fee.
Check In from 7-8am. Player's Meeting at 8 am
Ride around in golf carts on a TPC golf course!
Two Rounds of at least 18 holes. Singles Format
This event will fill!
Pro Divisions $90
Amateur Divisions $75
Little Wing $75
($35 greens fee included)
Anyone who rides in a cart must pay $35 green fee.
Check In from 7-8am. Player's Meeting at 8 am
Refund policy
Titan Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. There will be a $5 processing fee for all refunds/cancellations.