This tournament has been canceled.

TNDG | Fescue's Edge Finale DOUBLES Tournament #2 |

Doubles tournament

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Hosted by Tyler Turcotte



GDB GOLD/BLUE C$150 / team
RW RED/WHITE C$120 / team
GB GREEN/BLUE C$120 / team

About this tournament

Cards will remain the same for the second round to maintain compliancy with COVID restrictions.


FRIENDLY REMINDER | Scheduled tee times will release Mar 6th, the day before the tournaments start date at 12pm. We will lock in the seats on Feb 5th, at 7:45 am, a full 48 hours before the tournament day commences. If you require a refund, please contact us prior to the 5th.

Fescue's Edge has been gracious enough to allow us to book some rounds of disc golf on Mar. 7th

In the morning before your first tee time, please ensure you've checked in with Janice who will take your temperature and ask you some standard screening questions. She will be in front of the clubhouse. She will then forward you to Tyler who will be by the TD HQ where you will receive your players pack and will sign into Udisc.

Welcome to the Finale DOUBLE's Tournament Day at Fescue's Edge! This day will use players ratings to determine which division you play in. In order to determine what division your team belongs in, there are two methods we will use:

1. Both players must have a rating falling under the required spread of the division.

Example Team #1:

Player 1 - Rating of 860
Player 2 - Rating of 924

Example Team #1 will register under the WHITE/RED (935-851) Division.

2. If you have an unrated player and a rated player, we will default to the rating of the rated player.

Example Team #2:

Player 1 - Rating of 830
Player 2 - UNRATED

Example Team #2 will register under the GREEN/PURPLE (850 and Below) Division.

The format for this day will be as follows:

1.) Player will choose their teams Best Shot.
2.) Teams of TWO.
3.) All winnings from the GOLD/BLUE Division will be paid out via e transfer on Tuesday, Feb. 23rd.
4.) All winnings from the other Divisions will be paid via in-store credits to the TNDG retail store.

GOLD/BLUE Division will tee off from the LONGS tee pads for both Round 1 and Round 2.

WHITE/RED Division will tee off from the LONGS tee pads for Round 1 and the SHORTS tee pads for Round 2.

GREEN/PURPLE Division will tee off from the SHORTS tee pads for both Round 1 and Round 2.

SUDDEN DEATH will now take place beginning on Hole 11.

The True North DOUBLE's Tournament Day will be a one-day two-round unsanctioned double's tournament. Pick your bestest pal and get ready to crush some discs! You will be playing on an updated championship level course with new basket and teepad placements. True North will also be adding an additional three holes to the course. (Holes 19, 20 & 21). Players will be able to view these changes a few days prior to the Tournaments start date through our Virtual Player's Meeting.

Each group has been allotted 3 hours and 15 minutes to finish a single round.

COVID Guidelines:

1. Please wear your mask when you're not playing your round and on the property. (We recommend wearing a mask during play but it is not required).

2. Please arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before your tee time. Janice will be standing in front of the clubhouse to take your temperature and ask you some screening questions prior to play.

3. Once COVID protocols are completed you will be forwarded to the TD tent to receive your pack and start your round of golf.

4. Please note, due to the nature of the situation we ask that you do your warmup routine at home before you come to the course. We will not be able to operate a practice area.

So we know everyone is prepared, each player will receive a bag that contains:

A.) 1 Mask
B.) 1 Bottle of hand sanitizer
C.) 2 Hand warmers
D.) 2 Scorecards
E.) 1 Pen

The clubhouse will not be open on the day of play. Two porta potty's will be available on site during this day.

We request that three players from each card keep track of the groups score via scorecard and one player keeps track of the score for the group via Udisc to speed the admin side of things up. Each player will be responsible for keeping track of their groups score via their own written scorecard. You're all competing for prizes and we require accurate scorecards to make sure that prizes are paid out correctly. It is REQUIRED of you to hand in your scorecard at the end of your rounds so that we can quickly and efficiently payout your winnings.

Please show up no earlier than 10 minutes before your scheduled tee time. Please be at hole 1 no later than 3 minutes before your tee time to ensure the tournament runs smoothly.

When you complete your first round you should go directly to your vehicle. You are also free to leave the venue to grab some lunch as you will be given your scheduled tee times for both rounds in advance. Please note, the clubhouse will not be available on this day.

2 porta potty's will be on site for the day.

If you leave the venue, please arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before your second scheduled tee time.

If you choose to remain in your vehicle, please exit your vehicle no earlier than 10 minutes before your second scheduled tee time.

All players in the GOLD/BLUE Division will receive their winnings via e transfer. All players in the RED/WHITE & GREEN/PURPLE Divisions will receive in-store credit to the TNDG retail store as the payout for their winnings. Janice will form a line as players complete their rounds and we will calculate the payout for each coloured division as efficiently as possible. You will receive your store credit in the form of a gift card directly at the TD HQ.


Sunday, Mar. 7th

Round One:
7:45am - 10:53am: All cards will commence play.

Round Two:
11:25am - 2:09pm: All cards will commence play.

5:20pm: Announcements of winners and prize handouts.



When a team places, the winnings will be divided evenly amongst the two players.

GOLD/BLUE Division teams will receive two E-transfers when splitting their winnings.

The remaining Divisions will receive two gift cards when splitting their winnings.*

True North will payout 50% of the GOLD/BLUE Division.

GOLD/BLUE Division: = $120 Registration fee/team (LONGS Tee Pads)

6 Teams x 150 = $900

1st Place Team - $425
2nd Place Team - $325
3rd Place Team - $150


True North will payout 50% of the RED/WHITE Division. (Rd 1 LONGS, Rd 2 SHORTS)

RED/WHITE Division: = $100 Registration fee/team

10 Teams x 120 = $1200

1st Place Team - $400
2nd Place Team - $300
3rd Place Team - $220
4th Place Team - $160
5th Place Team - $120


True North will payout 50% of the GREEN/PURPLE Division. (SHORTS Tee Pads)

GREEN/PURPLE Division: = $100 Registration fee/team

8 Teams x 120 = $960

1st Place Team - $360
2nd Place Team - $260
3rd Place Team - $220
4th Place Team - $120


Gift Cards will be available directly after the second round at the TD HQ located near hole 1. Please note, this gift card is not attached to a single player, and can be used to purchase anything in the store.

Questions? Send me an email at [email redacted]


Tyler Turcotte

Tyler will be available throughout the day to ensure a smooth and professional tournament experience. Please direct any inquiries to Tyler.

Refund policy:

For refunds or cancellations, please reach out to the Tournament Director in writing at [email redacted]

Please note, if receiving a refund the money will be deposited to you minus the pay pal fee transaction fee of approx $1.34.

Refund policy:
Tyler Turcotte is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.

Refund policy

True North Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.