This tournament has been canceled.

TIO 2019 (Amateur Saturday)

Singles tournament · Amateur

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Hosted by Toronto Island Open

Staff Contact ›

Lana Kelly Assistant Tournament Director
Nao Nasu Assistant Tournament Director
Paul Belyea Assistant Tournament Director


  • Sat
    Jun 22

    9:00am - 9:40am

    Player Check in
    (Last Boat leaves to Wards: 8:45am)

    9:45am - 10:00am

    Players Meeting


    First Round Starts


    Second Round Starts




MA1 Mixed Am 1 C$60
FA1 Women's Am 1 C$60
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ C$60
FA40 Women's Am 40+ C$60
MA50 Mixed Am 50+ C$60
MA2 Mixed Am 2 C$60
FA2 Women's Am 2 C$60

About this tournament


Anyone that has been listening to the weather network or Toronto news may be aware that our beloved island has flooded again along with the disc golf course. Only a handful of holes remain dry and the water is still rising. Having experienced nearly identical conditions in 2017 we know that the course will not be ready for play until mid August, maybe July if we get drought conditions.

Without the island there can be no TIO, and other Toronto courses are in locations that are far too busy to host Summer weekend tournaments. Although I'm sure it is not out of the realm of possibility, our vision is a tournament on the island and anything else just doesn't stack up to the experience we want to bring to the players.

Refunds are being issued.


One day unsanctioned tournament.Two Rounds. Amateur divisions only.

CASH Payouts for all divisions, Winner of MA1 division will get a paid spot in the MPO division the next day.

Minimum 4 player required for all age protected divisions

Registration Opens March 31 @ 8am
Be advised that we will be monitoring registration for sandbagging. We reserve the right to put you in the division that you belong. Please register for your appropriate skill level.

Registration Closes June 15 (end of day)
Wait lists are division specific. Full registration fee required as a deposit to get on a waitlist.
Division caps will be lifted April 21 (3 weeks after registration opens).

Lunch will NOT be provided. Please pack and bring your own as there are no realistic options for buying a lunch between 1st and 2nd round.

Island Fundraiser:
In honor of the late Mick Gold, 'Off hand' Mulligans available for purchase (limit one per player) $5/each

Hole sponsorship available under registration. Get your name/company on a tee sign during the tournament. All proceeds go toward payouts.

Refund policy

Toronto Island Open is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.