Tournaments present Throw Down the Mountain XIII (Weekend 3)

PDGA A-tier · Fri-Sun, Mar 21-23, 2025Mar 2025 · Brooksville, FL

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Brady Belanger Whoever picked up a watermelon pyro at the bottom right cliff of hole 15 's basket, can you please throw it in the lost and found? Thank you! 10h
Uncle Fester MA40 cards for Saturday are mixed up with players not teeing off in order of scores. Curious why that is? 15h
Dana Smith 14h
I looked but I don't see what you are referring to. I do know he had to reset as he still had the p ... show more ›
Michael Barnett 14h Yeah I only published once, let us know because I don't see it either.
Uncle Fester 13h Sent you an email. Cheers!
Alex Sheffield Hey the players email included some surprising info. Why are the CTP’s not cash payouts but a voucher instead? CTP’s have been a cash payout in every single tournament I’ve played. I would like to know where that money is going if it’s not going into the players pocket. Thanks 2d
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Uncle Fester 15h
Alex, Mike owns Sun King Discs, so using his own vouchers for CTP payouts means people spend the mon ... show more ›
Michael Barnett 13h
@ Uncle are correct. Also, the main reasons we do it is two fold; players and sponsors ... show more ›
Uncle Fester 13h
Oh dude....don't get me started with that craziness of why the pdga thinks AMs can get cash for CTPs ... show more ›
Carl Miller Hey Mike I send you a message asking a question. 2d
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Carl Miller 2d
I was signed up earlier for the MA1 weekend and due to military obligation I wasn't going to make it ... show more ›
Michael Barnett 36h Just found the email...I put you on the 2:30pm Tee Time. Bring cash.
Carl Miller 36h Will do
Daniel McKay-Roberts Hi, unfortunately I cannot make it. I will have someone pick up my players pack. Wish I could have played, sorry for the late drop.
Daniel McKay-Roberts
PDGA 65871
Michael Barnett 2d OK sounds good, sorry to hear.
Joshua Joy
Hello Micheal Barnett, I unfortunately have a Family emergency today that is going to greatly affect my weekend and I will not be able to play in the MA1 division this weekend. My name is Joshua Joy a ... show more ›
Michael Barnett 2d Sorry to hear. Yes, William can pick up for you.
jackson lozier Any chance my dad if he signed up tonight he could get one of the early tee times 3d
Dana Smith 3d MA50 as a division should tee off first, but they need to be random within the division.
Derek Wilcox
Hi Mike, I had an unfortunate situation happen to me and will not be able to attend the tournament this weekend. I am really bummed out but can you please give my players pack to Avian Angulo, he will ... show more ›
Michael Barnett 3d Sorry to hear, yes, he can pick it up. The refund is based on the cost of the players pack.
Derek Wilcox 2d Mike thanks for the response. You can give my players pack to Andres Balanta instead. He will pick it up for me. Thank you!
Michael Barnett The distance on the tee sign for Hole 9 is incorrect, but Purple layout plays Turf pad to lower Blue Basket. The tee sign is being moved to the proper location. Sorry for the confusion, you're free to move about the cabin. 3d
Dana Smith The Layout is posted in the pictures section. This is what will go in PDGA live scoring app. 3d
Jared Smith 3d Hole 9 says turf pad to short basket 262ft? I think from the turf it's 337ft.
Michael Barnett 3d Yes, distance is incorrect. Turf to lower position is 337.
Dana Smith 3d Picture is updated. The distance I was given was 377, not 337.
Jeff Stanley Looking to play a practice round on Thursday, anyone got room for one more and if so, what time? 4d
Johnny Lambert 3d Jeff, Robert Montgomery and I are playing on Thursday. We will be there around 1030am. You're welcome to jo8n us.
Avian Angulo Hello there disc golfers. Anyone on here that knows me and/or would be interested in sharing an AirBnB or some lodging please shoot me a message. Just got upgraded from the waiting list, let’s go!! Thanks, cya on the mountain! Mar 13
Devin Umstattd U think its possible to use a cart? And have you seen people using a cart over the first weekend? Mar 12
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Danny McDonnell 5d
I have installed zuca ready stairs on 90% of the trails now- you may have to lift it a few times but ... show more ›
Todd Belrose 4d You’ve done a great job on the stairs Danny!
Danny McDonnell 4d Thanks Todd thanks for the feedback
Matt Hagen Hey Mike,
Do you have a “ballpark” idea when MA50 will be teeing off. Late?, Early? I would assume it is 50, 40 then 1 but you know what happens when you assume! Trying to make travel plans. Thanks!
Mar 10
Michael Barnett Mar 10 Yes, that's the order.
Michael Barnett
Hey All! It's almost that time of the year again; time to throw down a mountain in Florida! DGPT I wanted to give everyone an update on the situation at Olympus. The DGPT was able to remove all ... show more ›
Mar 5
Jeff Ruberg Mar 6 So weekend 3 this year is pretty much identical layout to weekend 3 last year?
jackson lozier Can we get the layout that will be played? Last year it said the same purple layout but round 1 they played red to red. Feb 28
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Bradley Baumgardner Mar 1 Yeah, playing 3 straight fpo would be cool or like a mix maybe last round. Such a great layout from the turf tees a shame we’re not playing them
Samuel Sneed Mar 4 For MA1, we could even alternate and do rounds 1+3 FPO and round 2 MPO
Michael Barnett Mar 6 No one will play true MPO/FPO layouts, the skill level just isn't there across the board. It's basically a shorter version of FPO.
Jordan I Rumfelt Hello Mike... unfortunately I need to withdraw due to a serious injury, sent you a detailed message on Facebook Messenger on it whenever you can get to it! Thanks! Feb 24
Skylar Jewell The website link and app are not current. Are there any more updates on the course layout or updates for parking?

Thank you!
Feb 20
Michael Barnett Feb 21 We stopped using the TDTM website once Olympus opened their own website. Update for parking?
Skylar Jewell Feb 28 Yes, you link the website in the about section. Maybe this is outdated? That's where parking is mentioned.
Michael Barnett Mar 5 You will be parking in the main lot
Chaz Matthews Requesting refund please Feb 11
Michael Barnett Feb 12 OK, please submit through your registration email in the future.
Jordan I Rumfelt
Hello Mike! Played MA2 last year, but found this video of MA1 (Round 3) from last year... Will it be the same for MA1 this year (purple course)? ... show more ›
Jan 30
Chaz Matthews Hey Mike, sent you a message about possibility of switching weeks due to childcare issues. Jan 27
Michael Barnett Jan 30 OK, I'll check...just got back into town
Robert Harris Had to withdraw. I submitted the refund request a couple weeks ago, sent an email and submitted another request today. No response yet. I know people on the waitlist would like to know they can get in and start planning for the trip. Jan 22
Michael Barnett Jan 22 I typically do refunds in batches every 10-14 days. I should be able to process them tonight or tomorrow morning.
jackson beals Anybody know of any coverage, vlogs etc. showing the purple course layout we are playing. Thnx Jan 6
Drew "Orange Andy" Herron Jan 9 The layout is a mix of Chess MPO and Throw down MPO from last year. I’ve been using UDisc to see the layout and just watching those two tourneys to get an idea of the fairway and greens.
Reid Harrison Any recommendations on where to camp close by? Nov 24
Michael Barnett Nov 24 I'm assuming you're referring to primitive camping? I think the closest is Moonlight Meadows or Silver Lake.
Webb Warren MA40 won’t let me register early with a sponsorship. Nov 2
Blake Elliott Nov 2 Nor MA50
Michael Barnett Nov 2 Fixed...thanks guys
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