richard scott Jul 4, 2023No we will not we can move you over to Saturday if you would like or you can play on your day
Leland Broome Jul 4, 2023how many people are currently signed up in the MA1 division? DGS and PDGA are showing I am the only person signed up at all ahaha. Must be an error on my end.
Jasonn McGuckin Jul 13, 2023No not an error only 3 people in the tournament for both days
Chris Walton
A couple of questions. Is this a sanctioned event? Also, just to verify, this is a single day event for each player since they'll play all of their rounds either Saturday or Sunday, not playing both days? May 4, 2023
richard scott May 5, 2023It will be a c tier event and yes you are correct its a one day event with different levels playing either on sat or Sunday