Stumpy's 3rd on the 3rd- Par-B-Que PAR-TEE "There's a 3rd in the water!"

Saturday, August 3, 2024 at Riverview in Pennsville, New Jersey
Disc golf doubles tournament

Stumpy's  3rd on the 3rd- Par-B-Que PAR-TEE "There's a 3rd in the water!" graphic


A.S.S. Acquisitions of Substances & Stuf PD
Ass TD Micro

About this tournament

THIS YEAR FOR 2024!!!---WE HAVE SMOKED BBQ PULLED, PULLED PORK, and PIT BEEF SMOKING WHILE WE PLAY!!!!!! Mannequins. Boats. Porto potties and bathrooms. Live band. Free drinks before during and after. Wheel chairs. A DJ? Mimosas before and during registration. Blow-up dolls in barrels. Pinwheels. Dinosaurs on commode(s). ~100ft holes, with every hole worth cash CTP'S. Special payouts for ladies CTP's. Drink stations errr werrr. Tees in shade. Drink on tees. Teas in drinks. Food. Friends. Games. Automatic Raffle entry with registration. Mulligan's. People in strange outfits. Wagons are a thing. Shoes are optional. All on a river.
This year I think we nailed it on food!!!

So. In light of running the best doubles "TERNAMENT" that exists- we are proud to present to the discgolf world:

The 3rd Annual on the 3rd, "Stumpy's Par-B-Que Par-Tee - There's a 3rd in the Water"

Same Same- Different, but still Same.

We are doing one round of as many holes as possible. All reachable & ridiculous as possible, and all each worth cash. The more teams, the more each hole is worth. I do what I want!! On a Saturday!! Every hole worth that DOLLA!! Specials for the ladies! Oh, and ALL YOU CAN DRINK, and a free BBQ MMMMMMEAL is included with registration. We will be using a different food vendor this year to accommodate the volume bc last year was 196 amazing patrons of discgolf.

Just to reiterate-

I ONLY DO THIS CUSTOM 20some+hole COURSE PAR-TEE ONCE A YEAR!!! Lets break LAST YEAR'S RECORD OF 98 teams!! We are doing it BETTER FASTER STRONGER then last if that was EVER possible... just watch us!! IF THERE IS A WAY TO PAY OUT, WE DID IT. The more teams, the more each of CTP's are worth, and higher the ace pot is, and more raffles, and give aways. Literally, it's true. This is an adult inebriation situation.

Refund policy

PD's Playhouse is responsible for all refunds and cancellations. But you won't cancel. It's way too much fun


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