Stone Cold XIV
This year were playing the Around the Outside layout where we play around the outside perimeter of the two courses. Also well add two safari holes and extend hole #7 Green to a par 5. Well play 1 round then a final 9 for all.
Round The Outside layout:
Play the Blue course 1 thru 10 then Green course 7 thru 18 with the extended gold tee on #7 Green, skip hole 9 Green, safari from 13's tee box to 14's basket, 15 tee to 17's basket.
Open and Blue division play long tees
Red and Purple divisions play all short tees except for the following holes all on the Green course side of the layout.
#7 play from the 258' tee box (middle tee)
#13 safari hole play normal hole #14 from #14's tee box (skip #13)
#15 safari hole play from 420' #17 tee box to #17 basket.
All CA$H payouts for established pro's no matter which division you play in.
Everyone will get a Team Stony towel at sign up while supplies last. Thank you Tony Jewett & DDGC!
Side Bets:
$5 Ace Pool
$5 CTP's (50/50 & Merch)