The 2022 St. Louis Open Presented by MVP
Comments 178 following
About this tournament
Hayley Elam September 7, 2022 at 2:53am
Regarding player pack pickup, a friend can pick up your player pack with prior authorization from you (the competitor). Send an email to [email redacted] with the name of the person authorized to pick up your pack and we'll record it. Thanks!
Daniel Soffera September 5, 2022 at 11:42pm
Hello! I played logan this afternoon and there was a whole lot of hornet/bee/wasp (not sure exactly what they were) activity on hole 10 down by the basket. I was stung 5 times. It will probably need to be dealt with prior to the tournament. I ran into them left of the pin just past the big log
Dang, I'm sorry to hear it! I'll pass that information along - thanks for letting us know!
Dan Wamsley September 5, 2022 at 10:51pm
Where will the tee times be posted?
On the PDGA event page! We'll also send out an email once they are posted.
Dan Golden September 5, 2022 at 2:07pm
Why is pool D not playing Willmore anymore? I see pool B is playing round 1 still at willmore
Yeah it's very unfortunate. I was looking forward to playing that course or the idea of playing 3 different courses
That one's on me for an assumption made early in the process. We did the best we could to workaround. Like most people I'm learning through the process and strive to be better.
I'm sure this tourney will be great! I'm very appreciated of all of the hard work everyone is putting in! Luckily the two courses we are playing provide enough scoring separation so I'm pumped for that!
Hayley Elam September 2, 2022 at 3:36am
All STLO courses are set in their tournament positions! Logan 12 and 18 will move week of as they are safety hazards for casual play.
Adam James Hardin August 31, 2022 at 7:17pm
I do not currently have Facebook. Is there anyway I can get the hole layouts/ caddie book emailed to me I plan on traveling down 3 days early and practicing. Would be nice to have it. Thanks
Absolutely! We will be emailing the caddy/course guides to everyone once they are complete. I should have been more clear but the Facebook link only contains the course statuses as far as if all baskets are in the correct pins or not.
Scott Turner August 31, 2022 at 2:49pm
Regarding tee times, is this a shotgun start for all divisions? If this is posted somewhere, i apologize, but not finding it.
No set time, but if I had to guess, probably the Wednesday before (9-14) since registration closes on that Tuesday.
James Farmer August 30, 2022 at 9:05pm
Will there be any flex start tourneys the week of?
Hayley Elam August 30, 2022 at 3:26pm
We are almost 2 weeks away from the STLO! Today (8/30), tomorrow (8/31), and Thursday (9/1) are the last days to withdraw and get a 50% refund. Refunds after Thursday 9/1 11:59 PM CST will be reduced to 25% entry fee refunds. This has been posted under our refund policy (following PDGA guidelines -
Hayley Elam August 30, 2022 at 3:13pm
Link to current layouts for STLO courses (you will need a Facebook account and to be a member of our club page):
All STLO courses are set in their tournament positions. Logan 12 and 18 will move week of as they are safety hazards for casual play.
Is FA1 playing Jefferson Barracks Bunker or Park? There are 2 courses in Udisc
Andrew Murphey August 24, 2022 at 12:55pm
I've been thumbing around and can't seem to figure out where MA40 will be playing. I've already registered for MA3 and was considering changing. Can I do that? Also does that affect the players pack?
What Ramon said - that can be found in the "About" tab under the "About this tournament" section on the right hand side.
Then, you can switch divisions - either through the email or right here under the "Registered Players" tab. And that will not affect your player pack at all!
Jim "LUCKY" Brown August 16, 2022 at 10:03pm
Sorry guys not gonna be able to make it this year. Refund requested.
Hayley Elam August 16, 2022 at 2:37pm
We are a month away from the STLO! Today (8/16) and tomorrow (8/17) are the last days to withdraw and get a full refund. Refunds after Wednesday 8/17 11:59 PM CST will be reduced to 50% entry fee refunds. This has been posted under our refund policy (following PDGA guidelines - and will be emailed to all registrants as well.
Micah Thompkins August 15, 2022 at 12:29am
Do you have a rough idea of when the layouts for Pool B will be finalized? Trying to plan when I will head down to stl to do practice rounds and visit family, but want to make sure I’m planning for a week when the layouts will have been finalized.
Nathan Schilly August 9, 2022 at 6:35pm
Will layouts/pin positions be finalized soon? I’m starting to think about practice rounds since there are three different courses to get to
Sioux and Unger should be good to go. Other courses are still being configured and look to be done in the next few weeks. We'll be sure to update as courses are set up for play.
Hayley Elam August 9, 2022 at 1:36pm
Ratings update day! If you are currently registered (or register before the next ratings update on 9-13), the rating you have today is the rating we will be using to ensure you are in the correct division. Today, we'll be going through the registration list and reaching out to anyone in the wrong division. If you register on September 13 (last day to register), you will use that new rating.
Hayley Elam August 8, 2022 at 3:52pm
Amateur Basket Player Pack Wait-list (to be updated real-time):
Thank you, think I'm top of the wait-list for one but I'd rather someone else get it if it were to fall to me.
Jamie Miller August 7, 2022 at 3:15am
I won't be able to check in by 6pm
James Ly August 2, 2022 at 4:20am
When did the courses change?
Courses changed July 21 - an email should have been sent to you as long as you were registered!
Wesley Steer August 1, 2022 at 7:16pm
So far, only 2 of us have signed up for MA70. If no one else does, will you still have that Division or will we have to play down to MA65?
You will be allowed to play as a division of 2 as long as you both want that!
What time is player pack pick over I will be coming in after work on Thursday won't be in the area until about 7 or 8
The later time window is 7-9:30 so you should be good! (For anyone else reading this comment, the earlier time window is 12-5)