Spotsy Stomp

Singles tournament

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Hosted by Spotsy Disc Golf Club



EML Emerald - Ladies $25
RED RED 950+ $35
WTE WHITE 900-949 $35
BLU BLUE 899 and below $35

About this tournament


Pork Junkies will be at Hazel starting at 4PM!

YES - we are copying NOVA's idiocy.

3 courses, 100 holes, 1 day. Spotsy Stomp 2021

Registration will be open to Spotsy club members only. Maximum of 36 players. If it does not fill with club members we will open to non club members.

Check in 6 - 620 AM first tee at 630 AM

We will be playing the following layouts:

Loriella Shorts - 2 rounds (36 holes)
Cannon Ridge - 9 Selected holes (3 loops of the same holes = 27 holes)
Hazel Grove - short, long, short, long + one hole of your choosing (37 holes)

$13 from each entry will go to your commemorative towel and pin, the remaining funds go to payouts. (Towel and pin update vice a disc and mini.)

Don't forget the ace pot!

Carpooling is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. Follow covid guidelines - if fully vaccinated, your option to wear a mask. If not vaccinated, please wear a mask. (No questions will be asked!)

DO NOT play if you are demonstrating any potential symptoms of COVID-19

DO try to build your foursome BEFORE you get to the first course. You will remain with that foursome throughout the 100 holes.

Confirmed Foursomes:
(1) Cannon, Shattuck, Mullins, Cullop (2) Kilby, Chewning, Northcutt, McCurdy (3) Henderson, Woodward, Woodward, Faller (4) Butler, Casias, Metz, Overacker; (5) Cleveland, Templeman, Bombadier, Martin (6) Jerndal, Manuel, Kennon, Phenicie
(7) Carter, Davis, Majik, Britt (8) Enos, Sandlin, K. Race, B. Race (9) Berry, Hatfield, Van Winkle, Shomaker

Refund policy
Spotsy Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.

Refund policy

Spotsy Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.