SpAce Race 2013 @ Horning's Hideout: Round #3 Mutants!

Saturday, June 15, 2013 at Horning's Hideout in North Plains, Oregon
Ace Race

SpAce Race 2013 @ Horning's Hideout:  Round #3  Mutants! graphic
Added cash $140

About this tournament

SpAce Race 2013! Round 3: Mutants!

Round 3 will feature Multiplying Mutants (ace with your player pack misprint mutant disc and win another), caffeine and sugar bucket kickers, plus the spaced out scoring system unique to the SpAce Race! There's a 5$ dinner option as well, RSVP a must (menu dependant on Washboard Mike's workload at Horning's -- right now we're thinking burgers and veggie burgers).

SpAce Race 2013! round 3 is an ace run tournament held at Horning's Hideout Highlands course. For an ace run you throw from the tee trying to make a hole in one with no further throws to complete the hole. 2 rounds played consecutively, 3 throws from the tee per hole per player . Bring your own discs to throw, with holes ranging from 100 feet to 270 feet. 12-12:45 PM registration/warm-up, 1 PM player meeting, 1:15 PM tee off. 20$ buy-in includes a factory second Latitude 64, Dynamic or Westside disc, 1$ for the Double Ace pot, and 6$ for the prize pool. Cash only, pay at event. 72 players max for the event (18 groups of 4).

Scoring will be 5 points for an ace, 2 points for metal.

Play with your own group of up to 4 players . Registered groups smaller than 4 players and individuals will be assigned to foursomes.

Horning's Hideout has a 4$ per person day use fee. You can also buy prorated annual passes, which are a great value. Horning's has three great eighteen hole courses, so you can always spend the rest of the afternoon playing the other courses after the event.

For Round 3 we are offering an RSVP only dinner option for 5$. Depending on Washboard Mike's schedule we'll either have burgers/veggie burgers + Mike's Magic Mac Salad, or something simpler if work keeps him too busy. Dessert + Drink as well.

Pre-registration priority will be given according to attendance. Pre-registration for those who have played in either round 1 or 2 opens May 27th. Pre-registration for those who have not played in the SpAce Race yet opens Monday, June 3rd. you're guaranteed early pre-registration priority for the second round, etc. I anticipate that pre-registration will fill all 72 spots, so I'd recommend pre-registering during your priority time frame. Don't count on showing up the day of the event and getting a spot if you haven't been pre-registered online.

If you have a change of plans and are unable to attend the event after pre-registering, let me know so we can keep an accurate projection of participants.

To pre-register, go to the Portland Mobile Disc lab page here:
Please "like" the page if you haven't done so yet, then under "Events" click the "Join" button for the "SpAce Race 2013 @ Horning's Hideout: Round #3" event. Once you know the names of everyone who will be in your group (2 to 4 players) and they have joined the event, send me a message with that information. If you have a non-internet using member of your group who is planning on playing send me a message with their name. If you do not Facebook but are on you can message me there as well

SpAce Race 2013! consists of 8 monthly ace run tournaments held at Horning's Hideout Highlands course. The Highlands course is great for ace runs as most holes are less than 200 feet.

There will be an overall series winner for the individual with the highest point total counting their 6 best rounds (allowing for two missed events or throw out your worst two scores if you've attended all 8 rounds). Top series finishers will also receive prizes according to their 6 best scores. A small portion of each round's cash prize pool is saved for the series' winners.

Cash prizes will be awarded to the top 30% to 40% of scores in each event. Top 3 get the highest payouts, and after that there are two payout tiers for the SpAce Cadet Cashers. 5% of each round's cash prize pool is held to pay out the top 10 finishers in the series. Series winners are determined by adding up everyone's 6 best scores in the series (if you play more than 6 of the 8 rounds you can throw out your worst 1 or 2 scores).

Constellation and Space Invader scoring will again have their own separate prizes. Only full shots thrown in an attempt to make an ace count toward Constellation and Space Invader points.

For Round 3: Mutants! features multiple ways to instantly win stuff! If you ace any hole with your player pack mutant disc you win another player pack disc! You don't have to compete with the player pack mutant disc, but there's the potential to multiply your mutants if you do.

On half of the holes there will be a 5 gallon bucket on top of the basket. If you knock the bucket off with your disc you win a beverage of your choice from Skye's coffee shack at Horning's Hideout, plus a large muffin!

The Double Ace pot is won when 2+ aces are made by a group on the same hole, both rounds of 18 included. If only one group hits the Double Ace pot once in a series round, 10% of the pot will go to each non-acing member of the group, with the rest divided evenly among the acers or to the individual who alone made 2+ aces. If there are multiple Double Pot ace holes in a series round, the pot will be divided according to number of aces on the double ace holes, with none going to non-ace members of the groups. If the Double Ace pot is not won in a monthly round it will carry over to the next monthly round. If there are no Double Ace pot winners in the final round, the pot will be divided equally according to aces in the final round. The Double Ace pot will be difficult to win -- it very well might be the entire Double Ace pot up for grabs for single aces in the series' final round in November! In the first round two teams chained out shots that would have won the Double Ace pot -- so close! The Double Ace pot currently holds 118$, not including the 1$ per player that will be contributed by each player in round 3.


Horning's Hideout
North Plains, OR   Get Directions


Final Results


Ryan TechHole 13 on The Highlands, Regular tees 2x
Ryan TechHole 15 on The Highlands, Regular tees 2x
Dallas TrowerHole 4 on The Highlands, Regular tees 2x
Mateo of Hylton Baskets$66.00 for Hole 8 on The Highlands, Regular tees 2x
Terry Kenney$66.00 for Hole 8 on The Highlands, Regular tees 2x
Tyler OlsenHole 17 on The Highlands, Regular tees 2x
Mike WilsonHole 13 on The Highlands, Regular tees 2x
Sean ChapmanHole 14 on The Highlands, Regular tees 2x
Round 1: Horning's Hideout - The Highlands Regular tees 2x, 36 holes, par 108
1Ryan Tech8888
2Daniel Chambliss9292
3Terry Kenney9393
4Mike Paulson9494
4Rogue Rider9494
6Jeremy Sines9595
6Sean Chapman9595
6Tyler Olsen9595
9Andy Larson9696
9Josh Parker9696
11Brent C9797
11Mike Wilson9797
13Kenny Hall9898
14Erik K9999
14Matt Hylton9999
14Rob E9999
17Rafael G100100
18Chris "Big Dog" Francis101101
18Cory Kjose101101
18Dallas Trower101101
21Duncan Varisco102102
21Gerard Hood102102
21Jerrod Casebeer102102
21Joel Meeuwsen102102
25Jerry Kirkland104104
26Aaron Ussery104104
26David Knowles104104
26Jace McNeal104104
26Jason Krupa104104
26Kain T104104
26Marc Paulson104104
26Strangebrew Kevin104104
26Thomas "T" D104104
34Adam Wood106106
34Asha Gregory106106
34Chris Cordova106106
34Jared Link106106
34Nathan White106106
34Shannon Ussery106106
34Zig Aloha106106
41Anton Clifford108108
41Carolee Irvin108108
41Dawn Hotchkin108108
41Grady Brown108108
41Jason Thoma108108
41Mindy Paulson108108
41William Weglage III108108
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