
Southern Idaho State Championship

PDGA B-tier · Sat-Sun, Sep 19-20, 2015Sep 2015 · Rupert, ID

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Sunny Freeman I know it's late! I just went to the Sate Park website to reserve a camp site, but it looks like all the Boy Scout loops are full. Can you put two tents at each site? Does someone have a site reserved where Daryl and I could join you? I'm also hoping Teresa could be close by. Sep 10, 2015
Corey Hood
Hey Rey, I was going to ask you if you could refund me the money for Jason Montgomery in OPEN. We talked today and said he was unable to make it due to work. This would open a spot for another who is ... show more ›
Sep 5, 2015
Dustin Hood Can you bump me up to Intermediate? how do you want me to get you the extra cash? Aug 19, 2015
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Dustin Hood Aug 19, 2015 Send me your email and I can or I'll be down next Tuesday for league
Ray Jensen Aug 25, 2015 This tuesday would be great
Dustin Hood Aug 30, 2015 Still need bumped up.
Greg Stanbro Is there a waitlist for this event, and can I get on it?
Jul 15, 2015
Ray Jensen Jul 15, 2015 Yes the wait list is open. All you need to do is click on sign up and enter your info and it will put you on the wait list.
Greg Stanbro Jul 16, 2015 Thank you Ray. Does the waitlist require payment?
Ray Jensen Jul 16, 2015 Yes it does, but if a spot does not open you will be repaid.
Mike Milne
I guess this one is going to the Ams. 70% am registration to 30% Pro. Gotta love the enthusiasm, I'm just a bit slow on the reg..Too bad each division didn't get a certain amount of spots held. Goo ... show more ›
Jul 2, 2015
Taylor Salanoa When does this tournament open for Registration? Jun 23, 2015
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