Sorensen Park Shootout - Course Fundraiser

Saturday, September 11, 2021 at Sorensen Park in Holly, Michigan
Disc golf singles tournament

Sorensen Park Shootout - Course Fundraiser graphic

About this tournament

This is a Fundraiser Tournament for Sorenson Parks new Disc Golf Course in Holly. We will be playing a mix of the actual Fairways and some temp holes with temporary baskets and tees. All proceeds will go towards baskets, pads and signs. Thank you for supporting Holly Twp. Parks and the FTF!
One Round of 18
$40 Entry - Player Pack Disc
Donation Plastic Payouts

Refund policy

Flint Town Flyerz is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Final Results

Round 1: Sorensen Park - Regular tees, 18 holes, par 54
1Austin McMillan4444
1Bart Lauzon4444
1Brent Guest4444
1Brian Evans4444
1Brian Wolf4444
1Dan Gilford4444
1Eric Hodney4444
1Mychal Urssing4444
1NACHO .4444
1Trent Mcphearson4444
Round 1: Sorensen Park - short pads, 18 holes, par 54
1Spencer schork6161
2Al Guzdzial6969
3Toni Brinker8888
Round 1: Sorensen Park - Regular tees, 18 holes, par 54
1David Thomas5555
2Shawn Mascorro5757
3Gary Laura6060
4Max Ostapchuk6262
Round 1: Sorensen Park - Regular tees, 18 holes, par 54
1Audrey Lavalley5959
2Samantha Roberts6464
3Erin Faulkner6767
Round 1: Sorensen Park - Regular tees, 18 holes, par 54
1Dave (CHUCK) Jennings5757
2Dave Dirmeyer6060
3Christopher Wong6262
4Travis Smith6969
Round 1: Sorensen Park - Regular tees, 18 holes, par 54
1Chris Blodgett5050
2Monty Wonnacott5151
3Russel Miller5353
4Duncan Underwood5555
4Jack Deyonker5555
6Steven Farrell5656
7Anthony Casanova5858
7DJ ODonnell5858
9Greg Meuser5959
9Jason Cross5959
9Mario Ramirez5959
9Nathan S Underwood5959
13Evan Lewis6060
14Shawn Herbert6161
15Jacob Morse6363
15Sean Dizzle Powell6363
17Donald Flook6868
17Eric Hawkinson6868
19Jason Matta7575
Round 1: Sorensen Park - Regular tees, 18 holes, par 54
1Shane Degriselles5454
2Jeff Moellering5757
2Michael McElhoes5757
2Paul Grasso5757
5Allen Guzdzial5858
5Kris Perdmo5858
5Larry W Asbury5858
8Corey Markee5959
8Gerry Andrews5959
8Mike Adams5959
8Vance Huff5959
12Jason Austin WPD6060
12Kevin Egnatoski6060
12Rick Kilgour6060
12Timothy VanSteenburg6060
12Travis Gentry6060
18Alex Mertz6161
18Derrick Howard6161
18Mike Mertz6161
21Bobby Oakes6262
21Ian Doyle6262
21John Warner6262
21Philip Wolschlager6262
25Travis Garner6262
26James Rice6363
26Kevin Sorensen6363
26Matthew Grubb6363
26Russ Warner6363
30Chris Randall6464
30Curt Shelton6464
32George Young II6565
32Jason Hoffmaster6565
32Kevin Sugar6565
32Matt McGuire6565
32Michael Bailey6565
32Scott Reid6565
32Scott Sugar6565
39Jeremy Dewar6565
40Aaron Hall6666
40Daniel O'Brien6666
40Ian Csernai6666
44Brian Shock6767
44James VanSickle6767
44Jason VanSickle6767
47Mike Suchodolski6767
48Tyler White6969
49Joshua A Hetmanski7070
50Cody Sanderson7070
51Mike Flook7272
51Tyler Mertz7272
53Jimmy Roberts7373
53Stanton Hoig7373
55Bill White7979
55Cameron Berry7979
57Scott Swartz8282
58Jay Burke8686
59Chris Shaw8787
60Cody Simmons8787
Round 1: Sorensen Park - short pads, 18 holes, par 54
1Branson Shaw5454
2Joe Fallis5555
3Garrett Ruiz5656
4Bert Beidler5858
5Logan Shaw5959
6Jon Lanczak6060
6Jordan Schork6060
8Josh Bundick6060
9Mike Bixby6161
10Andrew Mascorro6262
11Nathan Jamieson6363
12Johnathan Mayberry6464
Round 1: Sorensen Park - short pads, 18 holes, par 54
1Heidi Matheson6060
2Abbie Stoecker6060
3Paige Grimmer6161
4Deborah Fischer6363
4Tara Flook6363
6Amy Schlosser6464
7Katie Tiague6767
8Kaley Mcburney7676
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