Stinky Feet Flex at ICC

PDGA logoSunday, December 29, 2024 at Indian Camp Creek Park in Foristell, Missouri
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Stinky Feet Flex at ICC graphic


Assistant Tournament DirectorBernie Hertweck
Tournament DirectorTomas Briscoe

About this tournament

This is a C-Tier Flex at ICC where all divisions will play the red tees and there will be NO OB. We will be sending out cards from 8am until 2pm.

Tom Briscoe of Stinky Feet LLC will be the TD onsite and will assist you in finding a card if you dont have one. 3 minimum to a card, No cards over 5.

- PDGA code is Stinky

- All divisions play Red Tees and NO OB

- Payouts for AMs in Smokin Aces vouchers and Pros will be paid out via PayPal.

Refund policy

Smokin Aces Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.



Final Results

PDGA results at


Bernie Hertweck$107.00 for Hole 10 on Main course, Regular tees
1Phil McGuire4949$76
2Nick Roth5050$47
3Gage Severns5151$19
3Jim Misuraca5151$19
3Taylor Thomas5151$19
6Chancey Green5252
7Anthony Angel5555
8Terence Unger5656
9Riley Hovis5757
10Tyler Rutledge5858
1Richard French5050$58
2Bryan Johnson5252$32
2DG Green5252$32
4Scott Paul5454
5Bill Sublett5757
6John Ream5858
7Al Kennon5959
1Nick U5656$33
2Jeff Junte6060$19
3Tim Sullivan6161
1Rebekah Kersey6565$17
1Clayton Baldus5151$49
2Owen Fitzgerald5252$27
2Vince Rug5252$27
4Bernie Hertweck5353$16
5Gabriel Rish5656
6Kyle Potter5757
7Chandler Hoff5959
1Brad Brammeier5353$59
2Cris Zurawski5858$41
3Jeff Hollandsworth6060$31
4Brian Coleman6161$13
4Kyle Bowman6161$13
4Tim Carbol6161$13
7Dave Rutter6262
7Henry Prebianca6262
9Josh Landholt6363
10Greg Brengle6969
1Ken Hovis6767$17
1Jerry Proctor6868$17
1Adam (MA2) DeClue5353$51
2Dominic Fecarotta5555$45
3Justin Jackson5656$34
3Matt Utermark5656$34
3Tomas Briscoe5656$34
6Joshua Hickman5757$20
6Will Cazel5757$20
8Justin Coleman5858
9John Quinlisk5959
9Uriah Webster5959
11Nicholas Loynd6060
11William Seibert6060
13Dalton Adkins6161
14Mark Roark Jr.6464
1Nick Blackburn5656$62
2Jackson Durham5757$53
3Chad Wolford5858$49
4Roman Francois5959$44
5Eric Nickens6161$38
5John Zoltanski II6161$38
5Pete Conrad6161$38
8Cameron Steele6262$20
8Cody Bradley6262$20
8Jim Pecoraro6262$20
8Mitch McDuffey6262$20
8Nick Quargnenti6262$20
8Thomas Suntrup6262$20
14Billy Roll6363
14John Mathews6363
14Nick Orf6363
14Nick Waller6363
18Brian Owens6464
18Dustin Lehn6464
18Kerry Dowling6464
21Brent Sweeney6565
21George Chen6565
23Bill Jutz Jr6666
24Adrian Howard6969
25Josh Hackmann7171
26AJ Riney7474
1Bryan Martin6060$50
2Bradley Sweeney6161$43
2Greg Shepherd6161$43
4Grant Perryman6262$29
4Joshua Dodge6262$29
4Savonte Seep6262$29
7Joseph Higlen6363$15
8Brian Capstick6565
9Kip Loynd6666
10Joshua Deason6767
10Keith Perryman6767
12Todd Berstein7070
13Bryan Pitman7272
14Matthew Orf7474
1Billy Sublett Jr7575$17
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